Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 27, 2025
A roar of hideous sound a confusion of overturned lights, of screeching servants, of writhing struggling bodies above it all, the vision of that glittering axe poised in the air then flashing downward, Randalin's recollections blurred, ran together, and faded out in broken snatches.
That any of the natives returned, and poised their spears, he firmly denies; but accounts for the murder, by supposing that the dead man made resistance, and offered to spear his assailants. He moreover says, that Padlalta would not have died in consequence of the first shot, but that the police fired repeatedly, which agrees with the settlers, who say they heard three shots.
Where is that one? and she pointed with her finger. 'That is poised like a white hawk over one of the Cape Verde Islands. 'And that? 'Looking down upon the source of the Nile. 'And that lonely quiet-looking one? 'He watches the North Pole, and has no less than the whole equator for his horizon.
The little Yankee scientist had been speaking with such evident sincerity that one forgot the tricks of his voice and manner the falling eyelids, the rising intonation, and the poised finger and thumb which were at other times a little comic. It was not so much that he was cleverer than Warner; perhaps he was not so clever, though he was more celebrated.
"Yes," she slowly said, "I think you would do that." She took her things from him, and laid them by the mirror. With a high hand she quelled the excesses of her hair some of the curls still agleam with water and knowingly poised and pinned her hat. Then, after a few swift touches and passes at neck and waist, she took her gloves and, wheeling round to him, "There!" she said, "I have been quick."
"Yours alone will have to serve," said my friend. I took out a card and pencil and wrote beneath my name NEW YORK. As I stood with the pencil poised a temptation entered into it. Without in the least considering proprieties or results I let my implement yield I added above my name that of Mr. Clement Searle. What would come of it?
It was a strange and in a way a glorious sight, for poised thus between earth and heaven, she looked like some glowing angel rather than a woman, standing as she seemed to do upon the darkness; since the shadows, save for the faintest outline, had swallowed up the column that supported her. We stared and stared till I said inconsequently,
We remained thus for some moments whilst the game went on, and we laughed with the winners and swore with the losers, as if our hearts were entirely in the dicing and we had not another thought in the world. Suddenly a pistol-shot crackled below, and startled the Swiss, who looked at one another. One burly fellow whom they named Hubli held the dice-box poised for a throw that was never made.
Her head was small and gracefully poised; her teeth as white as milk, because they had never experienced the destructive effects of confectionery; her cheeks, two roses in their first fresh bloom, because she had been reared upon simple food; her figure, slight, supple and well proportioned. She was eighteen. Her beautiful brown eyes wore a sweetly serious look. She had thought as a woman.
And now he saw that she was almost as tall as himself, and that she was as slim as a reed and as beautifully poised as the wild narcissus that sways like music to every call of the wind.
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