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Updated: January 26, 2025
'If the lady who fainted on Brixton bus' she does not interest me. 'Every day my heart longs Bleat, Watson unmitigated bleat! Ah, this is a little more possible. Listen to this: 'Be patient. Will find some sure means of communications. Meanwhile, this column. G. That is two days after Mrs. Warren's lodger arrived. It sounds plausible, does it not?
"Two against one isn't fair!" "Thorny's a match for 'em." "Now he's down, hurray!" cheered on the combatants, till, after a terrific struggle, the tyrant fell, and with convulsive twitchings of the scarlet legs, slowly expired while the ladies sociably fainted in each other's arms, and the brothers waved their swords and shook hands over the corpse of their enemy.
Her imperious determination was not to be resisted. And so Euthymia, a willing martyr, if martyr she was to be, and not saviour, passed within the veil that hid the sufferer. Lurida turned deadly pale, and sank fainting to the ground. She was the first, but not the only one, of her sex that fainted as Euthymia disappeared in the smoke of the burning building.
She then set before him refreshments, and having eaten and drunk till he was satisfied, he praised God for his arrival; when the matron informed him concerning his wife, that she had endured great troubles and afflictions since her separation, and repented sincerely of her flight. Upon hearing this, Mazin wept bitterly, and fainted with anguish.
Three balls passed just above my head, and then just above the heads of our two tutors, who were walking outside the tent. Coetquen fainted at thought of the mischief he might have done, and we had all the pains in the world to bring him to himself again. Indeed, he did not thoroughly recover for several days. I relate this as a lesson which ought to teach us never to play with fire-arms.
With an almost superhuman strength, she caught the whip, as it was again descending, in her own jeweled and delicate hands, wrested it from her father's grasp, and flung it over the railing into the court below. Dropping upon her knees, she lifted the quadroon's head upon her lap. The eyes were closed, and the pallid face wore the appearance of death. Minny had fainted.
"The surgeon has him in his hands. We will send another from Portsmouth, but it looks like a bad case. He made his confession bravely, though evidently in terrible suffering, seeming to keep up by force of will till he had totally exonerated Archfield and signed the deposition, and then he fainted, so that I thought him dead, but I fear he has more to go through.
I entered, followed by Timothy, and, as I stepped over the threshold, I fainted. As soon as I recovered, Mrs McShane led me up stairs into her room for security, and I was soon able to take the refreshment I so much required. I stated what had passed to Mrs McShane and Kathleen, who were much shocked at the account.
"It all depends." I asked him no more questions. "Do you know," he asked, "what the word was that Mademoiselle Stangerson tried to say before she fainted?" "No nobody heard it." "I heard it!" replied Rouletabille. "She said 'Speak!" "Do you think Darzac will speak?" "Never." I was about to make some further observations, but he wrung my hand warmly and wished me good-bye.
In the struggle, my gun, which I held in my hand, caught something, and accidentally went off, and O, father, it was my own dear Jack that I wounded! I cannot tell how I survived his cry of 'You have killed me! And when I saw his blood flow, my senses forsook me, and I fainted. When I recovered, I was alone; they had carried him off.
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