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"I'll pay you off for this!" cried Desmond, who had been a sufferer with Billy, and, firing, he brought down one of the monkeys, on which the rest set up the most fearful cries, shaking their fists and making all sorts of defiant grimaces. They now entered on a region totally different to any they had hitherto passed through.

Stephen went on: Pity is the feeling which arrests the mind in the presence of whatsoever is grave and constant in human sufferings and unites it with the human sufferer. Terror is the feeling which arrests the mind in the presence of whatsoever is grave and constant in human sufferings and unites it with the secret cause. Repeat, said Lynch. Stephen repeated the definitions slowly.

The earl, whose affections were so essentially homely and domestic, was even more shocked than the scholar by the fearful narrative. "Unhappy man!" he said with moistened eyes, "from the core of my heart I pity thee. But thou, the scathed sufferer from civil war, wilt thou be now its dread reviver?" "If Edward had wronged thee, great earl, as me, poor franklin, what would be thine answer?

That poor sufferer, gasping and moaning, To-morrow the Cossacks of Ukraine atoning, Will hail as their King; "To royal Mazeppa the hordes Asiatic Will show their devotion in fervor ecstatic, And low to earth bow." In his splendid epilogue the poet likens the hero to the mortal on whom the god has set his mark. He sees himself bound living to the fatal course of genius, the fiery steed.

Sir Morton Darley passed his arm under his son's, and helped him quickly along; a whistle brought Nick Garth and another man to his side; and the former carried the lad right up the slope to the entrance of the castle, where a little rest and refreshment recovered the sufferer sufficiently to enable him to relate why he had brought back no fish, a task he had hardly ended, when Master Rayburn entered to dress his second patient's arm.

Susanna ejaculated, turning so that she might not be heard by the sufferer. "Take her in to my house." "The hospital is really the most comfortable place for her, Mrs. Fairfax," the doctor said guardedly. "I am afraid there is internal injury. Her mind seems somewhat confused. You can't undertake the responsibility "

At last they reached the town, and carried the sufferer to his miserable dwelling, with cheery words to his poor wife, and a promise from Bradly to send the doctor at once, and that he would call himself next day and see how he was going on. Then the three friends hastened at once to Foster's house, that they might be the first to acquaint his wife with her husband's peril and deliverance.

But not he she was the sufferer, and she whipped up a sensation of wincing at the flames they fell to, and at their void of existence, committing sentimental idiocies worthy of a lovesick girl, consciously to escape the ominous thought, which her woman's perception had sown in her, that he too chafed at a marriage no marriage: was true in fidelity, not true through infidelity, as she had come to be.

She saw the dying woman receive the sacrament, and the ineffable joy of the benediction upon the face of the sufferer of twenty lighted up by ecstasy. She heard her say, with a smile of conviction: "I go to ask you of Our Lord, Jesus Christ." How could she have resisted such a cry and such a sight?

The child was seized with a dreadful fit of coughing, which I expected every moment would terminate his frail existence. I gave him a teaspoonful of currant jelly, which he took with avidity, but could not retain a moment on his stomach. "Papouse die," murmured the poor woman; "alone alone! No papouse; the mother all alone." She began re-adjusting the poor sufferer in her blanket.

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