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"What's the 'ship's share'?" asked Rainey. "Represents capital investment. Matter of fact, it belongs to the gal," said Lund. "Simms gave her the Karluk. It's in her name with the insurance." "Then he and his daughter get forty-five shares, and you only twenty-five?" "You got it right," grinned Lund. "Simms is no philanthropist. It wa'n't so easy for me to git enny one to go in with me, son.

Here Kitty, who was feeling faint and ill with so much walking, came forward and asked for a cup of coffee. 'Certainly, dear, said Spilsby, with a leer, pouring out the coffee; 'I'm allays good to a pretty gal. 'It's more nor your coffee is, growled Grattles, who had finished his special and was now licking his fingers, 'it's all grounds and 'ot water.

That fool, Ben Benson, has been sarching and sarching, like an old desarter as he is, but it ain't no sort o' good; the gal may be dead for what he cares a toasting hisself before a fire, while she may be Mr. James has hearn something." "Mr. James Harrington has gone also," answered Ralph, bitterly. "It's no use searching further. They have fled together.

A sweet, dear gal as ever was, for all that. How fares it, John? She never names 'e to me, though I do to her." "I'm biding my time, neighbour. I reckon 't will be right one day. It only makes me feel a bit mean now and again to have to say hard things about young Blanchard. Still, while she 's wrapped up there, I may whistle for her." "You 'm in the right," declared Billy.

And, besides, it ain't right for Squire Rockett to 'ave to pay Henery Walker five shillings for finding a lot of old cabbages. I shouldn't like it myself." He looked out of the corner of 'is eye at the squire, as was pretending not to notice Henery Walker touching 'is cap to him, and then 'e turns to 'is wife and he ses: "Come along, old gal," 'e ses.

"Joseph," said Uncle Jaw, the next morning at breakfast, "I s'pose 'Squire Jones's daughters were not at the quilting." "Yes, sir, they were," said our hero; "they were both there." "Why, you don't say so!" "They certainly were," persisted the son. "Well, I thought the old gal had too much spunk for that: you see there is a quarrel between the deacon and them gals." "Indeed!" said Joseph.

What with her great eyes glarin' affection, an' her little mouth smilin' good-natur', an' her figure goin' about as graceful as a small cat at play why, I tell 'ee what it is, mate, with such a gal for a wife a feller might snap his fingers at hunger an' thirst, heat an' cold, bad luck an' all the rest of it. But she's got one fault that don't suit me.

"You might do a heap worse than that gal," said Auberry. "I suppose you're married yourself," I suggested. "Some," said Auberry, chuckling in the dark. "In fact, a good deal, I reckon. My present woman's a Shoshone we're livin' up Horse Creek, below Laramie. Them Shoshones make about the best dressers of 'em all." "I don't quite understand " "I meant hides.

"One day the ol' squire got me to dig this grave an' put up the headstun an' then he tol' me the story. He'd turned the poor gal out o' doors. God o' Israel! It was in the night yis, sir it was in the night that he sent her away. Goldarn him! He didn't have no more heart than a grasshopper no sir not a bit. I could 'a' brained him with my shovel, but I didn't.

Comfort I find a stranger to my heart, Nor canst thou ought of that but thus impart; Thou shouldst with joy a death to him procure, Who by it leaves Alcippus' life secure. Gal.

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