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Updated: September 25, 2024

'Now, said Pluck, 'the Devastation feels kind a out o' sorts, and 'll just knock the Spunk into an apple dumplin'; but she didn't! Well, the skipper and his dandy officers came on board, looking all so shined up, and vented their indignant feelins' by takin' it all out in a shower of cussin' that would 'a made yer hair stand on end straight.

"Whoever it was ought to know that Jack was not in Cæsar," said Harry. "If he had put in a translation of something Jack was doing at this time there would have been more reason." "And nobody sends an anonymous letter who has any spunk," muttered Billy Manners. "The doctor would have done right to have paid no attention to it but he is a good old fellow and wants to do right by all."

Harry gave a great, shuddering gasp, and, answering him that she was dead, gave himself up to another fit of crying. "Oh, now don't! now don't!" said Jim tenderly, pressing the distressed lad still closer to his heart. "Don't ye do it; it don't do no good. It jest takes the spunk all out o' ye. Ma's have to die like other folks, or go to the poor-house.

I reckon the men folks wouldn't have raised no objections, but the women egged 'em on to order her to leave town. But she had plenty of spunk, and told 'em to mind their own business. "So one night they decided to run her away. A crowd of men and women drove her out of her house, and chased her with sticks and stones. She run to her father's door, callin' for help.

It all seemed so mean and sordid to me, as if we were trying to well, you know." Ellen nodded: "Of course I do. That's why you wouldn't let her have your furniture. I gloried in your spunk, Fan." "But I did let her have it, Ellen." "You did? Well!" "I'll tell you how it happened.

"Fancy your spunk!" said Mary admiringly. "I wouldn't have dared do that and I'm not so slow. Mrs. Wilson says the two of you jawed something scandalous, but you come off best and then he just turned round and like to eat you up. Say, is your father going to preach here to-morrow?" "No. He's going to exchange with Mr. Perry from Charlottetown. Father went to town this morning and Mr.

Not that Spunk stays there dear me, no. He's a sociable little chap, and his usual course is to pounce on a shelf, knock off some object that tickles his fancy, then lug it in his mouth to well, anywhere that he happens to feel like going. Cyril has found him up-stairs with a small miniature, battered and chewed almost beyond recognition.

An' I told her to think what a nice time she'd have here 't Emarine's to-morrow." Mrs. Endey smiled. "What she say to that?" "She didn't say much. I could see she was thankful, though, she had a son's to go to. She said she pitied all poor wretches that had to set out their Christmas alone. Poor old lady! she ain't got much spunk left. She's all broke down. But I cheered her up some.

Just ae thing more," said Speug, who was in his glory that day. "I'll need a laddie to keep me gaein' with balls, and I want a laddie that has some spunk, for he'll hae a rough time." Below thirty of the junior school were waiting and looking at Speug like dogs for a biscuit.

"A sore heel, a mean soul and no spunk have killed more men than whisky" the Desert Rat commented whimsically, as he pulled the weak brother out of a cluster of catclaw. "Boston, you're an awful nuisance you are, for a fact. You've had water three times to our once, and yet you go to work and peter out with Chuckwalla Tanks only five miles away.

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