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Updated: January 6, 2025

That fool, Ben Benson, has been sarching and sarching, like an old desarter as he is, but it ain't no sort o' good; the gal may be dead for what he cares a toasting hisself before a fire, while she may be Mr. James has hearn something." "Mr. James Harrington has gone also," answered Ralph, bitterly. "It's no use searching further. They have fled together.

And full tilt she's off to Flaherty's, the publican, in her blue jock where she'll not be long afore she kicks up a quarrel, I'll engage; for she's sarching the house for Honor McBride, who is not in it and giving bad language, I warrant, to all the McBride faction, who is in it, drinking. Oh! trust Catty's tongue for breeding a riot!

"I am a-thinking you will be chief cook and bottle-washer at that sarching, for the appintment is at hand. Don't you hear Pilot baying the cunstable?" She sank into her rocking-chair, picked up a gray yarn sock, and began to knit unconcernedly; but in a significant tone, she added, nodding her head: "Hold your own hand, Bedney; don't be pestered about mine. I'll hoe my row; you 'tend to yourn."

Bedney picked it up, and we said nothing and laid low, and hid the thing; but that Godforsaken and predestinated sinner, Miss Angeline, kept sarching and eavesdrapping, and set the lie-yers on the scent, and they have 'strained Bedney on peril of jailing him, to perduce it.

A man well in years, inferior in person, with a mild, sweet, benevolent face, and blameless, dreamy life, he spent much time in "sarching the Scripters," as he expressed it, in constant conversations and mild disputations of Bible texts and doctrines, and sermonizing at the Sunday assemblies of his co-believers.

Is a hermit-crab, slipping his tail out of one strange shell into another, in the hopes of its fitting him a little better, either a dignified, safe, or graceful animal? No; George Riddler was a true philosopher. 'Let vules go sarching vur and nigh, We bides at Whum, my dog and I;

"By the Power that made me!" exclaimed Boone, energetically; "a good thought, lad a good thought, Master Harry and we'll act on't at once, by sarching along the banks above here; for as the other varmints took off to the east, it am't improbable they've just steered a little round about, to come down on 'em, while these went right straight ahead."

Sez I: 'Well, Miss Angerline, you had better sarch me and be done with it, if you are the judge, and the jury, and the crowner, and the law, and have got the job to run this case. Sez she, a-squinting them venomous eyes of her'n, till they looked like knitting needles red hot: 'I leave the sarching to be done by the cunstable when you are 'rested and handcuffed for 'betting of murder. Then my dander riz.

Such were the soliloquies of poor, despised Alia, in her room on the third floor, where old aunt Judy, the negro, having missed her favorite from the grand company, after having sought her in vain in the lower saloons of the house, just entered her room. "Dere, now, Miss Ali', am poor aunt Judy half kilt from sarching for you all over.

I was near it, asleep, and when I woke up in the night I crawled in under the bushes to shelter myself, when I went through into the cave. How was it you followed?" "I was sarching for ye, as I've been doing for the last two days and more.

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