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From first to last, indeed, the hemp and tow are shedding superfluities, and a layman is astonished to see how the broad strips and ribbons running through the machines and torn by innumerable systems of sharp teeth in transit, emerge at the last gasp of attenuation to trickle down the spindles and turn into the glory of yarn. From Mr.

When I had finished reading the above, and shown the copy of the map, drawn by the dying hand of the old Dom with his blood for ink, there followed a silence of astonishment. "Well," said Captain Good, "I have been round the world twice, and put in at most ports, but may I be hung for a mutineer if ever I heard a yarn like this out of a story book, or in it either, for the matter of that."

She uttered a few commonplaces in an uncommonplace tone without pausing in her knitting. Mrs. Bashford had been knitting too, and as she sat down she took up her yarn and needles. It was a sweater, I think; it doesn't matter. What matters is that her hands moved swiftly and deftly. Her manner of knitting was charming.

"I think I'll look after the shawl myself," he was heard to say. "Giles's old brain is apt to get confused after any kind of excitement." Francis Ryan made an uneasy movement, but he was tied and bound with the skein of yarn; and Mrs. Lennard, winding steadily, was smiling into his eyes. The hand which held Jamie unconsciously tightened its grasp, and the boy looked up in surprise.

In 1781, when, the price of wool being low, the Lincolnshire woolgrowers met under the chairmanship of their great landowners, and resolved on petitions praying "that British might be exported and that Irish wool might be excluded from England;" thereupon the Yorkshire manufacturers met and resolved that "the exportation of wool would be ruinous to the trade and manufactures of England," that the manufacturers would be obliged to leave the kingdom for want of employment, and that the importation of Irish woollen yarn ought to be interdicted.

"A piece of rope is easy enough to get," mused Dick. "Yep; and a lie is easy enough for some fellows to tell. But some of the fellows are inclined to believe Rip, so they've started a yarn that Gardiner High School is up to tricks, and that some fellows have been sent over in advance to cripple our box men for to-day."

"And you won't lose your lens," replied the Journalist. "He never did a blooming thing that is, he didn't if he existed." "Oh, my eyes," said the Youngster. "I am disappointed again. I thought that was a simon-pure newspaper yarn one of your reporter's dodges real journalese!"

He nudged Paul with his foot and a merry twinkle lit his eyes. "They're curious brutes an' not built like human bein's." The pilot and Paul were now all attention as the captain seemed inclined to spin a yarn. "Whin Oi wuz a shtrapping young fellow about eighteen, Oi wuz sailin' aboord a trader. Wan day we were layin' becalmed, as we air now, off Turk's Island.

That must have been when she got too far to the southward, and how she came to take me in the flank at last and frighten me beyond what I've got the words to tell of. Well, anything was better than a devil-woman, but I thought her yarn serious enough.

"I shall be afraid to leave the bungalow." "I heard that the fellow commanding the Military Police detachment at Ranga Duar was nearly killed by a rogue lately," remarked an engineer named Goddard. "Our mahout had the story from one of the mahouts of the Fort. He had a cock-and-bull yarn about the sahib being saved by his tame elephant, a single-tusker, which drove off the rogue.

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