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Updated: January 19, 2025
"Not a bit. I fancy they thought it a bit of a joke. More of one after we'd finished the game. I lost two thousand seven hundred dollars," he added with a laugh. "No chips under a dollar. Sky limit. And Deming had all the luck, and a majority of the skill, I fancy." "Don't seem to worry you none." "Well, it was sort of ghost money," laughed Rainey. "You've seen the color of it," retorted Lund.
You see, Simms is an old shipmate of mine. He don't dream I'm within a hundred miles o' here. Aye, or a thousand." He gave a deep-chested chuckle. "Now, then, matey, look here." Rainey was anchored by the compelling grip. They stood next to the slip in which the sealer lay. The Karluk's decks were deserted, though there was smoke coming from the galley stovepipe.
But I like to see way out." He mollified the bald acknowledgment of his neutrality with a little bow and a hissing-in breath. Back of it all was a will that was inflexible, thought Rainey. "If we lose, you lose," he went on lamely. He had come on a fool's errand, he decided.
You can navigate, I make no doubt?" "I hope to get a chance to learn on the trip," answered Rainey. "I know the general principles, but I've never tried to use a sextant. I'm going to get the skipper to help me out. Or Carlsen." "Carlsen! What in hell does a doctor know about navigation?" demanded Lund. Rainey told him what the girl had said, and the giant grunted.
Kensington people, generally, knew them both. "It's William Zane and his business partner, Sayler Rainey! They own one of the marine railways at Kensington. Come to think of it, I haven't seen them around for nearly a week, neighbor!" exclaimed an old man. "It's a case of drowning, no doubt," spoke up a little fellow who did a river business in old chains and junk.
Rainey was in love with Temple Scott and wanted to marry him, although already married to Joe Rainey, her husband; and then you saw a lot of writin' on fences and sidewalks and on the schoolhouse walls; and some of the girls and boys said funny things sometimes.
The retreating blood left her cheeks pale, and she wheeled and fled, dodging behind Tamada, who gave way to let her pass, his ivory features showing no emotion, closing up the fore companionway as Peggy Simms dived below. Lund did not follow her. Instead, he laughed shortly and appeared to see Rainey for the first time.
It gets me mad. Then Joe Rainey says, 'My wife don't want you around, as far as that goes. And Temp said, 'You don't know what you're talkin' about. And Joe Rainey says, 'I do, and I'll go in and get her now and she'll come out here and say to you just what I say. 'No, says Temp, 'you'll make her say it; she must say it of her own free will. They began to quarrel then."
Although it was Hansen's watch below, Rainey found him at the wheel instead of the seaman he had left there. Carlsen came up to him smiling. "Better let Hansen have the deck, Mr. Rainey," he said. "We're going to have a conference in the cabin at four bells, and I'd like you to be present." "All right, sir," Rainey answered, getting a thrill at this first actual intimation of the meeting.
Guided by Sam these two, like the little drygoods merchant of the old Rainey Company, went from capital to capital and from city to city making contracts, influencing news, placing advertising contracts where they would do the most good, fixing men.
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