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Every body knows John Trevethick about here, and why he don't work underground." "How was that, then?" inquired Richard, with interest. "You must remember I am a stranger, and know nothing." "Well, Sir, it was years ago, and before I was born.

He was once more at Gethin, and in imagination taking his revenge upon old Trevethick, and for the moment he was almost happy. "Pity on his gray hairs?" No, not he though the gallows loomed before him, though hell yawned for him, he would slake his thirst in the life-blood of that perjured villain; and as for her, he would drag her by the hair to look upon her father's corpse. Where was she?

I can get to Plymouth before wheels can do it, and shall catch this scoundrel yet. He'll be going there to change the notes, I reckon?" "Yes, yes," said Trevethick; "he'll be at the George and Vulture; so he said." "Good," replied Solomon. "I'll get a warrant from old Justice Smallgood on my way.

She worked to get the poor lad off like a slave; and when all was over, instead of breaking down, as most would, she swallowed her pride, and went down on her bended knees to that old miserly devil, Trevethick, the prosecutor, and to his son-in-law, Coe, likewise: they lived down Cross Key way where was it? at Gethin and begged and prayed him to join in petitioning in her son's favor.

"Well," growled Trevethick, when they were in his sanctum, and had shut the door, "what is it now? Bad news, of course, of some sort."

"No; it's good news, Trevethick," said Solomon, quietly "the best of news, as it seems to me; and I hope to bring you over to the same opinion." "He's got some scheme for marrying Harry out of hand," thought the harassed landlord. "How the deuce shall I put him off?"

He had come to Plymouth full of hope, though disappointed at its not having been already exchanged for certainty. He had good hope of inspiring John Trevethick with confidence in his social position, and consequently of obtaining his consent to marry the woman who had now become indispensable to his happiness. He had even some hope of yet inheriting a portion of his father's great estate.

Trevethick, between ourselves, I am but a poor man in comparison with many of those I meet there, and their ways and habits are too expensive for me." "Ay! gambling and such like, I suppose?" observed the landlord, cunningly. "It is 'Light come light go' with the money of that sort of folk, I reckon."

As if unable to continue such reflections, she rose and rang the bell, which Hannah answered. "Bring me a bed-candle, girl; I will seek my room at once; and please ask Miss Trevethick to look in upon me before she retires herself, for I feel far from well." "Yes, ma'am."

But it turned out true for all that; the thing happened just as I say. John Trevethick ain't no liar." "Of course you are stating what you believe to be the fact," said Richard, in a conciliating tone; "I don't doubt that." "Just so; he's told it so often that he really does behave it," said Solomon, laughing.