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John, he had never seen anything he thought so beautiful. The baby cried now and then. 'What ails the bairnie? he asked. 'Ow, it's jist cuttin' its teeth. Gin it greits muckle, I maun jist tak it oot to my mither. She'll sune quaiet it. Are ye haudin' better? 'Hoot, ay. I'm a' richt noo. Is yer mither shearin'? 'Na. She's gatherin'. The shearin' 's some sair wark for her e'en noo.

"Keep your head level, Miller, old chap we'll hev you out of that in no time. Hurry up, somebody, and borrow the barkeeper's ropes. While I'm cuttin', throw a rope over the top, and when she commences to go, haul all together and suddenly, then 'twill clear the hut."

"There's a piece of country between here and the real hills that is like to be dry," explained Cheyenne. "We're leavin' the road, this mornin', and cuttin' north. She's some rough, the way we're headed, but you'll like it." From the sagebrush of the southern slopes they climbed slowly up to a country of scattered juniper.

At this juncture Madeline's brother joined the group, evidently in search of Stillwell. "Bill, Nels just rode in," he said. "Good! We sure need him. Any news of Danny Mains?" "No. Nels said he lost the trail when he got on hard ground." "Wal, wal. Say, Al, your sister is sure takin' to the round-up. An' the boys are gettin' wise. See thet sun-of-a-gun Ambrose cuttin' capers all around.

He's only in Wolfville now an' then, an' ain't cuttin' no figger in public calc'lations more'n it's regarded as sagacious to pack your gun while Pinon Bill's about.

Thar ain't nobody in camp, from Doc Peets to Missis Rucker, but what's eager to know the finish of Curly's expedition, but of course everybody hobbles his feelin's in them behalfs. It's Captain Moon's fooneral, an' he oughter have a first, oninterrupted say. Moon comes up to Curly Ben where Curly is cuttin' the alkali dust outen his throat at the Red Light bar.

"He foller en foller, Brer Wolf did, en de track git fresher en fresher, but still he ain't see no print er no claw. Bimeby he come in sight er de creetur, en Brer Wolf stop, he did, en look at 'im. He stop stock-still and look. De creetur wuz mighty quare-lookin, en he wuz cuttin' up some mighty quare capers.

"Yallow Sam," replied the old man, slowly, and a dark shade of intense hatred blackened his weather-beaten countenance, as he looked in the direction from which the storm blew: "'twas he left us where we're standin', Jimmy undher this blast, that's cowldher an' bittherer nor a step-mother's breath, this cuttin' day!

"Cuttin' twenty-four meridians " "And how many days in twenty-two years?" Phoebe broke in. "You mean in six years." "Why, no," she replied, glancing at Droop with a mischievous smile, "it's twenty-two years back to 1876, ain't it?" "To '76 why, but " He caught sight of her face and stopped short. There came a pleased voice from one of the state-rooms.

"Never say die, Mister Charles," replied Jacques, taking up the axe from the bottom of the canoe; "it's quite clear that cuttin' through the trees is easier than cuttin' through the bushes, so here goes."