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Updated: September 2, 2024
She had put away her mocking tone was clearly determined to be kind and cousinly. Yet every word only set the tides of love and misery swelling more strongly in the lad's breast. "She doan't belong to us, an there's noa undoin it." Polly's phrase haunted his ear.
A note of Sorrow's own was fetched; and the next instant, with a figure of dignity, the afflicted woman observed: "There's seven bottles of my Porrt, and there's eleven of champagne, and some comut clar't I shall write where ut's to be sent. And, if you please, look to the packing; for bits o' glass and a red stain's not like your precious hope when you're undoin a hamper.
"Leave the likes of en to the God of en. Brace yourself agin this sore onset an' pray to Heaven to forgive all sinners." Noy looked at the old man and his great jaw seemed to spread laterally with his thought. "God have gived the man to me! that's why I be here: to knaw all any can teach me. I've got to be the undoin' o' that devil the undoin' an' death of en.
"If yer true father be among the livin', an' sufferin' has eaten int' his soul, then don't ye see, I've stood 'twixt him an' his chance of somewhat undoin' a bitter wrong? It ain't no light matter t' take the settlin' o' things out o' God Almighty's hand. I wish I'd hunted him up! 'T was my plain duty t' have done that, I see it now. I wish I'd given my gal the choice 'tween him an' me!
Why did she do it? Poor young man!" "Because he spied upon her at her toilet." "Was that all? d'ye mean he catches her undoin' her curl papers?" "She was bathing!" "Oh!" said Diana. "Well, poor young man! She'd got modesty pretty bad, I think, and if all goddesses are like her " "They were not." "Oh, well, let's talk o' something more human-like " "Ourselves!" I suggested.
And the night I go to bed I count my money, and, says I, I'll not lock ut up, for I'll onnly be unlockin' again to- morrow; and doin' a thing and undoin' ut's a sign of a brain that's addled like yours, Pole, if ye say ye didn't go to give me the notes." Mr. Pole frowned at her sagaciously. "Must change your diet, Martha!" "My dite? And what's my dite to do with my money?" "Who went into Mrs.
Leger's army in its present condition; but if we made a mistake, or if in some way it turned out to be a big trick intended for our undoin', though I don't see how it can be, then have men in plenty been taken from the garrison here." "All of which means that you're entirely satisfied with everything this night?"
But ther' ain't no right on this blamed earth fer any feller to whoop it up at another feller's misdoin's, an' his ultimate undoin'. An' you kin take it how you fancy when I say only the heart of a louse could feel that-a-way an' that's about the lowest I know how to hand you." Bud's eyes were shining dangerously. They were squarely looking into the hard face of the saloon-keeper.
And the night I go to bed I count my money, and, says I, I'll not lock ut up, for I'll onnly be unlockin' again to-morrow; and doin' a thing and undoin' ut's a sign of a brain that's addled like yours, Pole, if ye say ye didn't go to give me the notes." Mr. Pole frowned at her sagaciously. "Must change your diet, Martha!" "My dite? And what's my dite to do with my money?" "Who went into Mrs.
Dilke and the Angel, were, according to the gloomy prophecies of 'Tildy Peggins as she waited upon them at the feast, "a stuffed to their little stomicks' heverlastin' undoin'." And Old G. A. R., from the depths of a new arm-chair, tried to solace his lonely old heart with whiffs of fragrant tobacco from a wonderful new pipe. Neither was Joey forgotten in this time of rejoicing, for St.
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