Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 22, 2025
A hanging lamp was over the center of a long table in the middle of the room. Around it dangled prisms, which cast rainbow colors over everything. The first thing which struck one on entering the room was the extraordinary color scheme: the dull gleams of the books, the medicine bottles which had lights like jewels, and over all the flickers of prismatic hues.
Bob went forward to watch the work, holding on by stray cables that dangled from the wrecked masts. As the boat of which Mr. Bender was to take charge was being lowered, one of the ropes in the davit pulley, that at the bow, fouled, and, as the sailors at the other davit were letting their line run free, the boat tilted.
A chain of eight or nine feet dangled from her girdle, and she persistently avoided approaching the lower tier of shingles, to keep that chain from hanging down over the edge, but was equally careful not to venture too near the extremities of the roof-ridge, for there was a skylight at each gable.
Joanna, unable to resist the temptation, kissed her and woke her. "Hullo, Jo what time is it?" mumbled Ellen sleepily. "Not time to get up yet. I'm not dressed." She sat on the edge of the bed, stooping over her sister, and her big rough plaits dangled in the child's face. "Hullo, Jo hullo, old Jo," continued the drowsy murmur.
At this moment a hail came from the direction of the other boat, which was answered by La Salle, and in a few moments, after several halloos and replies, two human forms were seen through the scud, and Ben and Creamer made their appearance, gun in hand. A brace of geese, held by the necks, dangled by the side of the latter, and showed that their shots had not been thrown away.
Overloaded at the back, it tilted back, then soared up to thirty-five or forty feet. Slow-seeming, inevitable, the whole structure turned vertically upward. Carl dangled there against a flimsy sheet of wood and cotton, which for part of a second stuck straight up against the wind, like a paper on a screen-door.
Handsomebody, he lolled across the window-sill, dangling a piece of string, with the April sunshine warming his rounded back. And as he dangled the string, Mrs. Handsomebody drew nearer and nearer. She entered the gate she entered the house she was in the parlour!! Angel and Mary Ellen had just given their last triumphant shout, when Mrs.
He tried to look at the boy's face; but for the life of him he couldn't raise his eyes above the dazzling wealth clutched in the fingers of those two small, slim hands. From one dangled a pearl necklace which alone might have ransomed, if not a king, at least a lesser member of a royal family, while diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds scintillated in the flaring light of the fire.
He was tall, but exceedingly lank, with narrow shoulders, long arms and legs, hands that dangled a mile out of his sleeves, feet that might have served for shovels, and his whole frame most loosely hung together.
Certain women might have attempted an apology for their appearance, but Miss Rebecca seemed rather to glory in the shears which dangled down from her apron-strings as she rose to greet her visitor; they told so unmistakably that she had been enjoying herself trimming vines. Miss Carry who was still kittenish in spite of her forty years as she gave one of her hands to Mr.
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