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And another gentleman, too; o'ny t'other one come after and went t'other way round. A big zart o' a gentleman wi' 'ands vit vor two. He axed me the zame question, had anybody gone by. This is dree of 'ee as has come zince I've been a zitting here." Guy paid no attention to the second-named gentleman, with the hands fit for two, or to his inquiries after who might have gone before him.

Bob opened his eyes almost as soon as he tasted the brandy. "Where am I?" he stammered out, gazing round the little fo'c's'le of the lugger in wonder. "Where am I?" "Ah, le petit bon homme vit encore!" cried Antoine, hearing the voice and bending over from his seat on the after-thwart, being anxious as to the condition of the patients to whom Jacques was ministering.

If they knowed I did hab a parle vit you on de subject, they would turn poor ole Jude out de door to die in the poor maison." This poor negro woman was a native of St. Domingo, and, at the time of the revolution there, came to New Orleans, in care of a child belonging to one of the white planters who was murdered which child, by the way, has since become a pious and eminent clergyman.

Ch. xviii. section 16. Ch. xviii. section 17. Avila. Ch. xxv. section 18. Section 9. "Other will . . . Lord's will." These words in Spanish, "Otra voluntad, sino hacer la de nuestro Senor" are not in the handwriting of the Saint; perhaps it was Father Banes who wrote them. St. Vincent. Ferrer, Instruct. de Vit.

"On se r'noncait a r'trouver sa trace, Quand un matin subitement, On le vit r'paraitre sur la place, L'Colonel toujours en avant." I waited until the last note had died away in the darkness. "Are those your thoughts?" I asked then, half turning. "No," said Desiree, "but I want to kill my thoughts. As for them "

"They say you've made peace with him!" "Ve fight vit propaganda de vay de Kaiser fear most of all. Ve spend millions of roubles, we print papers, leaflets you know, comrade, vat Socialists do. Ve send dem into Germany, we drop dem by aeroplanes, we have printing-presses in vat you call it, de Suisse, de Nederland everyvere. De Germans read, dey tink, dey say.

"I be downright glad to zee 'ee come back, zur; ay, that 'a be. What vur du 'ee go gadding London ways, zays I, when there be zuch a turble lot to zee arter? and the ladyship oop Barracombe ways, her bain't vit var tu du 't, as arl on us du know. Tis butivul tu zee how her takes on," he repeated admiringly. John glanced uneasily at his companion, who stood with downcast eyes.

Ha, ha, ha!" "Cut it out, Abey," said Mary Magna. "This is a gentleman, and you must be decent. Mr. Carpenter, meet Mr. "Carpenter, eh? Vell, Mr. Carpenter, if I vas to make a picture vit you I gotta spend a million dollars on it you know you can't make no cheap skate picture fer a ting like dat, if you do you got a piece o' cheese.

And vy, tovarish? Because dey know vat it means ven capitalists come to make new governments for Russia. It means bonds de French, de British debt! You know?" "Sure, I know," said Jimmie. "It is billions, fifteen billions of roubles to France alone. De Bolsheviki have said, 'Ve do not pay dem so quick. And for vy? Vat did dey do vit dat money! Dey loaned it to de Tsar, and for vat?

"Y' know, Billy," said the voice over the phone, "y' could a' knocked me over vit a fedder! Dat young feller, he vas alvays so quiet, and such a fine business feller, I put him in charge of all my collections. I said to him, 'Vot you gonna do? And he said, 'I gonna learn from Mr. Carpenter."