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"I should think it was something like that," answered Dicky, his eyes wandering over the peninsula beyond which lay Hasha. "Summat, aw be sure," answered Holgate, "an' ma woord on't . . . ah, yon coomes orderly wi' post for Goovnur. Now it be Hasha, or it be not Hasha, it be time for steam oop."

But how ud yo get it made? He was beginning to feel a childish interest in his scheme. 'Me an Annie Wigson ud mak it oop fast enough. Theer are things I can do for her; she'd not want no payin, an she's fearfu' good at dressmakin. She wor prenticed two years afore she took ill. 'Gie me a kiss then, my gell; doan't yo gie naw trooble, an we'st see. But I mun get a good price, yo know.

'Yu bain't been lukin' round zo careful as 'ee shude; there be a bit o' magnolia as want nailding oop, my gude man. 'Oh, be there, mum? zays I. 'Yiss, there be; an' thart I'd carl yure attention tu it, zess she, are zum zuch. 'Thanky, mum, I'm zure, zezz I." "I knows how her goes on," groaned James Coachman. "Mother toime 'tis zummat else," said the aggrieved gardener.

"What's that?" cried Tom suddenly, as he swept the surface of the water, and he pointed to a faint white speck about twenty yards away. "Hey? Why, it is!" cried Dave. "Tek the hook again, Mester Dick, lad; there's a little wind left yet in th' blether, and it's coom oop!" "Let me!" cried Tom. "Shall I do it, lad?" said Dave. "No, let me try this once!" cried Dick. "Or, no; you try, Tom!"

'What trial is it? Alice panted as she ran; but the Gryphon only answered 'Come on! and ran the faster, while more and more faintly came, carried on the breeze that followed them, the melancholy words: 'Soo oop of the e e evening, Beautiful, beautiful Soup!

"And yeer gun jammed, A'm thinkin', so wi' rair presence o' mind, ye stood oop in the fuselage an' hit the nairest representative of the Imperial Gairman Air Sairvice a crack over the heid wi' a spanner." A little group began to form at the door of the mess-room, for the news that Tam the Scoot was "up" was always sufficient to attract an audience.

However it was the officer who impatiently broke the silence, swinging his night stick menacingly: "Come on now, me lad, hav' ye lost yer voice entoirely? Spake oop loively whut ther hell are the two ov' yer oop to, onyhow?" She started forward, just a step. "Nothing in the least wrong, officer," her voice trembling slightly, yet sounding clearly distinct.

Why 'e couldn't even tell that I 'ad 'ad a touch of my old complaint, and me with an 'andle to me name. Come, lass, oop with ye bonnie head, for I'll tell 'ee the great news I sees a bead o' perspiration on Sir John's brow an' so I'm off to take me 'air out of crackers. Though Tim does find it more home-like, 'e says, when I 'ave 'em h'in oh, dearie! dearie! I often wish I was plain Mrs.

It wor i' t' evenin' when t' train started thro' Howrah, an' we 'elped Mrs. DeSussa wi' about sixty boxes, an' then we gave her t' basket. Orth'ris, for pride av his work, axed us to let him coom along wi' us, an' he couldn't help liftin' t' lid an' showin' t' cur as he lay coiled oop. 'Oh! says t' awd lass; 'the beautee!

"Come down, eh?" commented Charlie. "Well, they're worth that. We'd better take 'em, Nels. We'll need 'em in the spring if we break the north forty." "Yas, et's a nice team," agreed Nels. "Ha vas driven ham ta-day." "Is he haulin' corn?" "Na; he had his kids oop gettin' Christmas bresents." "Chris By gracious! to-morrow's Christmas!" Nels nodded solemnly, as one possessing superior knowledge.

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