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Updated: September 1, 2024

The old woman broke in and said: "Missus, I thort dat de gemman who axed me what I was doin' wid de baby in my lap, was a doctor, an' some kin to de man what made de Godfrey's cordial, but he tole me dat he was not. He like de way dat I doctered de chile, an' sed dat he would rite about it. He sed dat he had tried sum of de juice hisself an' dat it was good for babies.

And first, I must tell you, my young Lord Colambre remembered and noticed me the minute he lit at our inn, and condescended to beckon at me out of the yard to him, and axed me 'Friend Larry, says he, 'did you keep your promise? 'My oath again' the whisky, is it? says I. 'My lord, I surely did, said I; which was true, as all the country knows I never tasted a drop since.

"Don't you know your duty better than to be interfering in the concerns of these people? I am excessively mortified. What will this gentleman think of me?" "Nothin', master," said Bacchus. "Don't be oneasy. I told him I come to ax him a favor on my own 'sponsibility, and that you didn't know nothin' about it. Well, he axed me if I wanted a chaw of tobacco.

So she told me about her wish to git you well out o' the house, an' axed me if I'd go an' put you in a school down at Brighton, which she know'd was a good an' a cheap one. "Of course I said I would, for, you see, the poor thing was that hard worked that she couldn't git away from her stitch-stitchin', not even for an hour, much less a day.

You go and get some fresh air, Anne. You look pale lately." "I think I'll go to the park," said Anne restlessly. "I don't feel like tame domestic joys today. I want to feel alone and free and wild. The park will be empty, for every one will be at the football match." "Why didn't you go to it?" "'Nobody axed me, sir, she said' at least, nobody but that horrid little Dan Ranger.

"It was norated in all our churches that a 'ward was offered for a lame cullud pusson of my 'scription, and Deacon Nathan he cum down and axed me what mischief I'de been a doin', that I was wanted to answer fur. He read me the 'vertisement, and pussuaded me to go with him to your office, and you tuck me to Mr. Churchill." Mr. Dunbar bowed to the District Solicitor, who rose and cross-examined.

'T was a li'l bit of poetry he'd made up to please me and I, fule as I was, didn't say the right thing when he axed me what I thought; so Clem tore the rhymes in pieces an' sent them away. He said the river would onderstand. An' the river onderstands why I dropped them dead blossoms in, tu. A wise, ancient stream, I doubt.

'Reia, said Sinfi, 'you told me wonst as your great-grandmother was a Romany named Fenella Stanley. I have axed the Scollard about her, and what do you think he says? He says that she wur my great-grandmother too, for she married a Lovell as died. 'Good heavens, Sinfi! Well, I'm proud of my kinswoman.

She cannot abide to hear of you, as she saith, nor of the other especially, and told me plainly she should be the worse this month for my coming without you, and axed me why you could not have come from thence as well as myself. "She saith you are hated of all the chiefest on that side and cursed of God in all your actions, since Mr Lawson's being with you....

On the cars was a he-lookin female, with a green-cotton umbreller in one hand and a handful of Reform tracks in the other. She sed every woman should have a Spear. Them as didn't demand their Spears, didn't know what was good for them. "What is my Spear?" she axed, addressing the people in the cars. "Is it to stay at home & darn stockins & be the ser-LAVE of a domineerin man?

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