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He lukes me straight in the eyes, and 'Luke, sezzee, 'us 'a' got tu git the place in vamous arder vur young Zur Peter, sezzee, 'An' I be responsible, and danged but what 'a'll du't, 'ee zays. An' I touched my yead, zo, and I zays, 'Very gude, zur, 'a zays. 'An' zo 'twill be, yu may depend on't."

'No, sir, but he has a good income, and will maintain me for three years. 'Will hee? Hee'd better make 'ee mentein yeerzelf. 'Do you think, sir, that I ought to be a pupil to anybody? 'No, said Northcote. 'Who's to teach 'ee here? It'll be throwing your vather's money away. 'Mr. Opie, sir, says I ought to be. 'Hee zays zo, does hee? ha, ha, ha, ha! he wants your vather's money.

"No, mam," replied the girl, who spoke in the broad Somersetshire dialect: "I heard you zay, up to Miss Hodges; zoo I thought it was the bottle o'brandy, and zoo I took alung with the tea-kettle but I'll go up again now, and zay miss bes in a hurry, az she zays." "Brandy!" repeated Miss Warwick, on whom the word seemed to make a great impression.

"What tune does he play?" "Dunno." "What's he like?" "'E's black. Old Jim zays 'e's all over 'air. 'E's a praaper bogle. 'E don' come only at naight." The little boy's oblique dark eyes slid round. "D'yu think 'e might want to take me away? Megan's feared of 'e." "Has she seen him?" "No. She's not afeared o' yu." "I should think not. Why should she be?" "She zays a prayer for yu."

"Volk doan't git ligacies every day," said the road-mender, contemptuously. "I zays 'tis Master Peter. Him du be just the age when byes du git drubblezum, gentle are zimple. I were drubblezum myself as a bye." "'Twas tu fetch down this 'ere London jintle-man as comed on here wi' him to-day, I tell 'ee. His cousin, are zuch like. Zame name, anyways, var James Coachman zaid zo."

The varmer he comes screeching out, To zave 'uns new brood mare; Zays I, "You and your stock may roast, Vor aught us poor chaps care." 'Coorus, boys, coorus! And the chorus burst out, 'Then here's a curse on varmers all As rob and grind the poor; To re'p the fruit of all their works In for evermoor-r-r-r.

"'I do call to mind, zur, what old Squire did use to zay to me: "Billy," 'e zays, "your grandchildren won't be fed, nor they won't 'ave the cottages, nor yet the clothes as you 'ave and your children. As zure as God's in Gloucester" 'e zays. They was rare old times, zur, and they be gawn." "What made you think of it, Barbara? I don't suppose he ever said two words to old Billy in his life."

If you'll b'lieve me, Miss Ruby's been to Plymouth 'pon her zavings an' come back wi' vifteen pound' worth of valse teeth in her jaws, which, as I zaid, 'You must excoose my plain speakin', but they've a-broadened your mouth, Miss Ruby, an' I laiked 'ee better as you was bevore. 'Never mind, her zays, 'I can chow. There now, Charley zimme I've been doing arl the tarlk, an' thy mother'll be waitin' wi' dree-score o' questions, zoon as I gets whome.

And him zat on a style, long zide the tharn bush, and 'a took 'ee's gun, and 'a zays, 'A'll shute vust man are maid as cumes acrust thiccy vield, 'a zays. And us knowed 'un wude du 't tu. And 'un barred the gate, and there t'was." He laughed till the tears ran down his face, brown as gingerbread, and wrinkled as a monkey's. "Mr. Crewys is in a hurry, Jack," said Sarah.

Danged if I knawed 'en, vurst along, the vace of 'en's that altered: grawed a beard, her hev. But her zays to me, 'How be gettin' 'long, Isaac? an' then I zaw who 'twas an' us fell to talkin', and her zaid the train staps vaive minnits, no more nor less." His son interrupted him with mincing haughtiness. "'Ow's mothaw?"