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They were messengers, postmen and carriers across the wide stretch of country from Spilsby, even down to the river Witham, and from Boston Deep down to Market Deeping and over to the sea. Since these fens were drained one might travel from Market Deeping to the Wolds without wetting a foot. "Aw'll trooble thee a moment, maister," said the peasant. "A stilt-walker beant nowt i' the woorld.

There was an interrogative lilt at the end of all his sentences, even when, as now, he was making statements that admitted of no denial. But his guest missed the incontrovertible and final quality of what was said. "Please don't trouble." "It's naw trooble naw trooble at all. Maaggie'll 'ave got kettle on." He strode out of his parlor into his kitchen. "Maaggie! Maaggie!" he called.

David tried desperately to rise in vain Jim had him by the collar; and four or five times more the heavy whip came down, avenging with each lash many a slumbering grudge in the victor's soul. Then Jim felt his arm firmly caught. 'Now, Mister Wigson, cried the landlord a little man, but a wiry 'yo'll not get me into trooble. Let th' yoong ripstitch go.

She tore out of the cupboard a teapot, a cup and a saucer, a loaf on a plate and a jar of dripping. Mrs. Gale sat down herself in the chair facing her, and kept one eye on the kettle and the other on her daughter. From time to time mutterings came from her, breaking the sad rhythm of Essy's sobs. "Eh dear! I'd like t' knaw what I've doon t' ave this trooble!"

"There's not a mony gells aboot here as doan't coe Hubert handsome," she said with emphasis. "It's Hubert's business to call the girls handsome," said Laura, laughing, and handing back the picture. Polly grinned then suddenly looked grave. "I wish he'd leave t' gells alone!" she said with an accent of some energy, "he'll mappen get into trooble yan o' these days!"

But how ud yo get it made? He was beginning to feel a childish interest in his scheme. 'Me an Annie Wigson ud mak it oop fast enough. Theer are things I can do for her; she'd not want no payin, an she's fearfu' good at dressmakin. She wor prenticed two years afore she took ill. 'Gie me a kiss then, my gell; doan't yo gie naw trooble, an we'st see. But I mun get a good price, yo know.

Willie, the farm lad, appeared on the threshold. His face was flushed and scared. "Where's Jim?" he said in a thick voice. "Ooosh-sh! Doan't yo' knaw t' coffin's coom? 'E's oopstairs w' t' owd maaster." "Well 'e mun coom down. T' mare's taaken baad again in 'er insi-ide." "T' mare, Daasy?" "Yes." "Eh dear, there's naw end to trooble. Yo go oop and fatch Jimmy." Willie hesitated.

This argument appealed to him; indeed, I was proud of it. "But I was to stop an' look after you," he mumbled; "it'll get me into trooble, it will that!" I took out three more sovereigns; not a penny higher durst I go. "Will five pounds repay you? No need to tell your wife it was five, you know! I should keep four of them all to myself."

Gale struck an attitude of astonishment and fear, although she had expected Essy to come at such an hour and with such a look, and only wondered that she had not come four months ago. "Yo're nat goain' t' saay as yo've got yoresel into trooble?" For four months Mrs. Gale had preserved an innocent face before her neighbors and she desired to preserve it to the last possible moment.

The Dixons looked at it curiously, but coldly. To them it was nothing but a writing-table with drawers made out of a highly polished outlandish wood, with little devices of gilt rails, and drawer-furnishings, and tiny figures, and little bits of china "let in," which might easily catch a duster, thought Mrs. Dixon, and "mak' trooble."

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