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"Is thot truth, Essy?" "It's Gawd's truth." He put out his hand and caressed the child's downy head as if it was the head of some young animal. "I wish I could do more fer 'im, Essy. I will, maaybe, soom daay." "I wouldn' lat yo'. I wouldn' tooch yo're mooney now ef I could goa out t' wark an' look affter 'im too. I wouldn' tooch a panny of it, I wouldn'." "Dawn' yo' saay thot, Essy.

I've soomthing to saay to yo', Essy." "There's nat mooch good yo're saayin' anything, Jim. I knaw all yo' 'ave t' saay." "Yo'll 'ave t' 'ear it, Essy, whether yo' knaw it or not. They're tallin' mae I ought to marry yo'." Essy's eyes flashed. "Who's tallin' yo'?" "T' Vicar, for woon." "T' Vicar!

At the corner of Grand Street, or thereabouts, a "bhoy" in red flannel shirt and black dress pantaloons, leaning back against the crowd with Herculean shoulders, called me, "Saäy, bully! take my dorg! he's one of the kind that holds till he draps." This gentleman, with his animal, was instantly shoved back by the police, and the Seventh lost the "dorg."

"Wall " He seemed inclined, in sheer honesty, to deprecate the extreme and passionate emotion she suggested. I would n' saay O' course, I sort o' miss him. I caann't afford to lose a friend I 'aven't so many of 'em." "I know. It's the waters of Babylon, and you're hanging up your voice in the willow tree." She could be gay and fluent enough with Greatorex, who was nothing to her.

Gale struck an attitude of astonishment and fear, although she had expected Essy to come at such an hour and with such a look, and only wondered that she had not come four months ago. "Yo're nat goain' t' saay as yo've got yoresel into trooble?" For four months Mrs. Gale had preserved an innocent face before her neighbors and she desired to preserve it to the last possible moment.

"Dass heh letteh, seh, writ de ve'y same night what she tell you good-by." "She wrote it" John's heart came into his mouth "that same night?" "Dass what it saay, seh. D'ain't nothin' so ve'y private in it; ef yo' anteress encline you to read it, why " "Thank you," said the convert as his long arm took the prize. There were three full sheets of it.

"An' 'ow 'bout t' women, Jimmy? There'll bae a sight o' nacks fer yo' t' wring, I rackon. They'll 'ave soomat t' saay to 'er, yore laady." "T' women? T' women? Domned sight she'll keer for what they saay. There is n' woon o' they bitches as is fit t' kneel in t' mood to 'er t' tooch t' sawle of 'er boots." Blenkiron peered up at him from the crook of the mare's hind leg.

Alice went back to the chancel where Greatorex stood turning over the hymn books of the choir. "Jim," she said, "that was Dr. Rowcliffe. Do you think he saw us?" "It doesn't matter if he did," said Greatorex. "He'll not tell." "He might tell Father." Jim turned to her. "And if he doos, Ally, yo' knaw what to saay." "That's no good, Jim. I've told you so. You mustn't think of it."

He struggled visibly for expression. "Yo' moosn' saay I doan' like yo'. Fer it's nat the truth." "I'm glad it isn't," she said. He walked with her down the bridle path to the gate. He was dumb after his apocalypse. They parted at the gate. With long, slow, thoughtful strides Greatorex returned along the bridle path to his house. Alice went gaily down the hill to Garth. It was the hill of Paradise.

He had loosened his hold of Alice, but he still stood between her and her father. "It's for her t' saay ef she'll 'aave mae." "She has said she won't, Mr. Greatorex." "Ay, she's said it to mae, woonce. But I rackon she'll 'ave mae now." "Not even now." "She's toald yo'?" He did not meet her eyes. "Yes." "She's toald yo' she's afraid o' mae?" "Yes. And you know why." "Ay. I knaw.

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