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Updated: September 19, 2024

He could have watched forever her little hands that were like white birds. He had never seen anything more delicious and more amusing than their fluttering in the long shake and their flying with spread wings all over the piano. Then the jumping and the thumping began; and queer noises, the like of which Greatorex had never heard, came out of the piano. It jarred him; but it made him smile.

Through his long last night in the gray house haunted by the moon, John Greatorex lay alone, screwed down under a coffin lid, and his son, Jim, wrapped in a horse-blanket and with his head on a hay sack, lay in the straw of the stable, beside Daisy his mare. From time to time, as his mood took him, he turned and laid his hand on her in a poignant caress.

"I think I can answer for his coming." "Do you mean Jim Greatorex?" she said. "Yes." "What is it that he won't funk?" She looked from one to the other. Nobody answered her. It was as if they were, all three, afraid of her. "I see," she said. "If you ask me I think he'd much better not come." "My dear Gwenda " The Vicar was deferent to the power that had dragged Ally's confession from her.

He was not going to get drunk any more, because he knew that if he did Alice Cartaret wouldn't marry him. Greatorex would have made a happy saint. But he was a most lugubrious sinner. The train from Durlingham rolled slowly into Reyburn station. Gwenda Cartaret leaned from the window of a third class carriage and looked up and down the platform.

The other was a certain interview he had had with Alice when she had come to ask him to get Greatorex to sing. That was in November, not long before the concert. He remembered the suggestion he had then made that Alice should turn her attention to reclaiming Greatorex.

Thot's t' road." Maggie whispered, awestruck by these preparations: "Which coops will yo' 'ave, Mr. Greatorex?" "T' best coops, Maaggie." At Greatorex's command she brought the little round oak table from its place in the front window and set it by the hearth before the visitor.

You've only got to answer a simple Yes or No. Were you anywhere with Jim Greatorex before Dr. Harker saw you in December? Think before you speak. Yes or No." She thought. "N-no." "Remember, Ally," said Mary, "he saw you in November." "He didn't. Where?" The Vicar answered her. "At your sister's wedding." She recovered. "Of course he did. Jim Greatorex wasn't there, anyhow." "He was not."

The dull stained glass of the east window dimmed the light at that end of the church. The organ candles were lit. Their jointed brackets, brought forward on each side, threw light on the music book and the keys, also on the faces of Alice and Greatorex. He stood so close to her as almost to touch her. She had taken off her hat and her hair showed gold against the drab of his waist-coat.

Do yo' aassk mae t' marry Assy now? Naw! Assy may rot for all yo' care. But do yo' suppawss I'd 'a' doon it fer yore meddlin'? Naw! "You are not going to be asked," said Gwenda. "You are not going to marry her." "Gwenda," said the Vicar, "you will be good enough to leave this to me." "It can't be left to anybody but Ally." "It s'all be laft to her," said Greatorex.

The funeral passed like a fantastic interlude between the long acts of his passion. His great sorrow made him humble to Mrs. Gale so that he allowed her to sustain him with food and drink. And on the third day it was known throughout Garthdale that young Greatorex, who had lost his father, had saved his mare. Only Steven Rowcliffe knew that the mare had saved young Greatorex.

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