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Updated: January 26, 2025

Before the dwellings of the white adventurers, the broad Merrimac rolled quietly onward the piled-up foliage of its shores, rich with the hues of a New England autumn. The first sharp frosts, the avant couriers of approaching winter, had fallen, and the whole wilderness was in blossom.

La situation de cette ville n'est pas precisement sur le Niger; mais elle y a son port, nomme Cabra, a quelques milles de distance. Comme aucune des nations commercantes de l'Europe n'a penetre aussi avant dans les terres, en cette partie d'Afrique, que la nation Francoise, par ses etablissemens sur le Senega, elle est plus a portee qu'une autre d'acquerir quelque connoissance de cet interieur.

Daily she volunteered to send special messengers to the post on his account; the footman, the coachman, and pony-chaise, were in turn rejected by him. 'Thank you, Mrs. Barton, thank you, but I should like to avail myself of the chance of a constitutional. 'La santé de notre petit Marquis avant tout, she would exclaim, with much silvery laughter and all the habitual movements of the white hands.

The tears filled the Countess's eyes as she looked westwards and southwards. "Vrillac is there!" she cried; and she pointed. "I smell the sea!" "Ay!" he answered, almost under his breath. "It lies there! And no more than thirty leagues from us! With fresh horses we might see it in two days!" Badelon's voice broke in on them. "Forward!" he cried, as the party reached the southern bank. "En avant!"

Hodgson may be worth powder and shot, but I'm hanged if Raven need fear Cotton's jackal! If only half of my plans come off, still that will put Philip Bourne in a tighter corner than he's ever been in before. Therefore en avant!"

Swimming in the same direction, and at a like rate of speed, it preserved a regular distance from the raft; and appeared like some guide or avant courier conducting the Catamaran across the Atlantic!

"En avant!" cried Eugene; and the dragoons galloped forward. They were to drive the enemy from the valley of the Nussberg, and force the pass of Heiligenstadt. But the Turks disputed every inch of the ground, making breastworks of every hillock, trenches of every hollow. They defended the way with such desperation that the Austrian cavalry began to waver.

J'achetai un petit cheval, qui se trouva très-bon. Avant de partir je le fis ferrer

"Excellent!" cried I, laughing extravagantly, "but like the planet you are pleased to compare me with, I must reserve my splendid rising till I have obtained fresh powers from the aid of night."* *<Mais avant de me lever il faut que je me couche>, is the witty reply in the original, but which it is impossible to render fully and piquantly through the dilution of a translation. -tr.

Aujourd'hui, avant ma visite au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, ce dernier avait reçu celle de l'Ambassadeur de France qui avait tenté de lui faire accepter la proposition anglaise relative

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