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"If you will warrant the beer, I will warrant the throat," said John composedly. "Close up the ranks!" cried Aylward. "En avant, mes enfants! Ah, by my finger bones, there is my sweet Mary from the Priory Mill! Ma foi, but she is beautiful! Adieu, Mary ma cherie! Mon coeur est toujours a toi. Brace your belt, Watkins, man, and swing your shoulders as a free companion should.

The word was scarce uttered when a bright flash gleamed forth, a loud bang succeeded, and we heard the grapeshot crushing down the valley and tearing its way through the leaves and branches of the brushwood. "En avant, lads! now's your time!" cried the corporal, as he sprang to his feet and led towards the gun.

"To the mosque precisely, monsieur," returned the guide, with complete self-possession. They stepped out at once upon the pavement, where a carriage was in waiting. "Where are we going?" inquired Mr. Greyne in an anxious voice. "We are going to the heights to see the Ouled," replied the guide. "En avant!" He bounded in beside Mr. Greyne, the coachman cracked his whip, the horses trotted.

Au Ministere de la Guerre On le r'porta comme perdu. On se r'noncait retrouver sa trace, Quand un matin subitement, On le vit reparaetre sur la place, L'Colonel toujours en avant. That's the way she rolls her r's. Am I like her? He. No, but I object when you go on like an actress and sing stuff of that kind. Where in the world did you pick up the Chanson du Colonel? It isn't a drawing-room song.

These Frenchmen are now calling out, 'En avant! but at Rossbach, I am told, 'En arriere! was the word of command." A death-like silence followed these sarcastic words of the princess, and throughout the room her mocking, derisive laugh which followed these words was distinctly heard.

She, my soul's delight, my empress, my angel, is superbly beautiful. I loved her at first sight devotedly, madly. She dashed past me in her coupe. I saw her but a moment perhaps only an instant but she took me captive then and there, forevermore. Forevermore! I followed her, after that, wherever she went. At length she came to notice, to smile upon me. My motto was en avant! That is a French word.

And yonder dark clump is the Castle of Villefranche. En avant camarades! or Sir Nigel may reach the gates before us. But hark, mes amis, what sound is that?" As he spoke the hoarse blast of a horn was heard from some woods upon the right. An answering call rung forth upon their left, and hard upon it two others from behind them. "They are the horns of swine-herds," quoth Aylward.

Writing "A. S. Johnston, 3d April, 62, en avant" on his pocket map of Tennessee, the Confederate leader, anguished by the bitter criticism with which his unavoidable retreat had been assailed, cast the die for an immediate attack on Grant before slow Halleck reinforced or ready Buell joined him.

"First couple en avant!" said M. Knaak, for a new figure was beginning. "Compliment! Moulinet des dames! Tour de main!" And no one can describe in what a graceful manner he swallowed the silent e in de. "Second couple en avant!" Tonio Kröger and his lady were the ones. "Compliment!" And Tonio Kröger bowed. "Moulinet des dames!"

The wedding singers take their places, one on this side the bridal calèche, the other on that, and away it starts, creaking and groaning. "Mais, arretez! Stop, stop! Before going, passez le 'nisette! pass the anisette!" May the New-Orleans compounder be forgiven the iniquitous mixture! "Boir les dames avant! Let the ladies drink first!" Aham! straight from the bottle. Now, go. The calèche moves.