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Dis yer is a drefful bad time on de shore! I's 'feard to hev ye roun' dar!" looking at him anxiously. Noll laughed merrily. "Do you think I'm too small to take care of myself, Hagar?" he asked; "I'm only going for a walk, and to see the waves. I'll be back for supper with Uncle Richard." The sky was wild and gray with clouds.

It's either the Frinch army that's in it, come to take the town iv Chapelizod by surprise, an' makin' no noise for feard iv wakenin' the inhabitants; or else it's it's what it's somethin' else. But, tundher-an-ouns, what's gone wid Fitzpatrick's shop across the way?"

"Take your head away, Joe, or I'll have to draw the fire right through it," said Sam, laughing. "Mercy, Mas' Sam, don't do dat. I'se 'feard o' your witches' ways, anyhow," said Joe, drawing back. The glass was again put in position and the spot of bright sunlight reappeared. Presently a little cloud of smoke rose, and a moment afterwards, the cotton was fairly afire.

"He hev mighty nigh argufied me ter death, 'bout sperits, an' witches, an' salvation, an' law, an' craps, an' horse-flesh, an' weather signs. I be sorter 'feard his wife won't pay nuthin' ter git him again. He 'pears sorter under the weather now, or eavesdroppin' or suthin'. The money 'll pay me mighty pore fur my trouble. Thar what's that?"

Her daughter again burst into tears; and Peter, now almost choked with grief, pressing the sick woman to his heart, kissed her burning lips. "Father, jewel," said the daughter, "there it is, and I feard it the sign, uncle the sign! don't you see her gropin' the clothes? Oh, mother, darlin', darlin'! are we going to lose you for ever?" "Oh!

He had never known her!... But now he wanted to know all that Hannah knew about her, for Hannah perhaps had known more about her than any one. Hannah had cared for her, pitied her.... "Yes, Hannah!" he said, so that she might proceed. "She was sure she was goin' to die, an' I had the quare work to keep her quiet. An' she was terrible feard of dyin'!"

She had scarcely written a page when the door was opened by Martha, who said, in a frightened tone: "Come, Miss Cora come quick! there's a bad change. I'm 'feard to leave her a minute, even to call you. Please come quick!" Both went to the bedside of the dying woman, over whose face the dark shadows of death were creeping.

I could have no influence over the guard or Perkins either. Oh! OH! Mad Whately, you'll end by making me loathe you. To think of employing that treacherous wretch!" "Dat's des w'at I feard on, Miss Lou. Reck'n yo' cousin en Perkins projeckin' some debil trick." "You say my cousin has charge of the prisoners?" "Yassum. I yeared 'im gib de orders 'bout um, but I too fur off ter year w'at he say."

"Two guineas his Reverence is to give you from himself, Jimmy," said the father, on relating the success of this interview with the priest; "an' faix I was widin one of refusin' it, for feard it might bring something unlucky* wid it; but, thought I, on the spur, it's best to take it, any way.

En ez fer dis yer Jeff, I'm gwine ter do des w'at I promus', so de darkies on dis plantation'll know I means w'at I sez. "Fer Mars' Dugal' had warned de han's befo' 'bout foolin' wid cunju'ation; fac', he had los' one er two niggers his-se'f fum dey bein' goophered, en he would 'a' had ole Aun' Peggy whip' long ago, on'y Aun' Peggy wuz a free 'oman, en he wuz 'feard she 'd cunjuh him.