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He was that anxious to gie me a hand that he hendered me near half an 'oor. This gaed on a' Sabbath! He was three times at the kirk, an' he roostit an' sang till the bit lassies i' the very koir lookit aboot akinda feard like. But Sandy never jowed his jundie. He put in anither button o' his coat, an' stack in till the Auld Hunder like the Jook o' Wellinton at the battle o' Waterloo.

Teniente, Don John, Henrico. Ten. I ever feard some ill fate pointed at This Citty. Jo. Makes the fleete this way? Hen. Buzzano! Ten. I did dreame every night of't, and the Ravens With their unlucky throates never leave croaking Some danger to us all. Hen. Where's Buzzano? Villaine! Jo. Be not discomforted. Ten.

If they had equall powre to man their wills And hope, to fling their miseries upon us, I that nere feard an Army in the feild, A body of most choice and excellent Soldiers And led by Captaines honourd for experience: Can I feare them or shake at their poore whispers?

I think, judge, it is a little dryer. Well, Anthony bowed, and left the room, and in a few moments he came back, set a lighted candle on the mantel, and, leanin' over my chair, said in a loud whisper: 'De cellar am locked, suh, and I'm 'feard Mis' Slocomb dun tuk de key. "'Well, s'pose she has, I said; 'put yo' knee against it, and fo'ce the do'. I knew my man, suh.

The murdherin' ould fool, me revered Aunt, the Leddy Wiggit, she grows 'feard there is some intint to rob her of her bargain, so what does she do but sind the entire amount at wance not knowin', bless me heart an' soul, that she's thus doin' a distinguished kindness to the missin' relative she's long ago forgot! Man, would ye call that robbery? It's Divine Providince, no less! It's justice.

I've Leeb's bairns at hame, you see, an' this is the collery or the renderpest or something come ower you twa, an' I'm feard o' smittin' the bairns, or I wudda bidden. As shure's I live, I'll need to go!" an' she vanisht oot at the door wi' a face as white's kauk. "I think I'll rin for the doctor, Bawbie," said Mistress Konawee.

"Well, Bob," said Mr Inglis, entering the mill, followed by the three boys, each armed with a fishing-rod and basket, big enough apparently to hold a great many more fish than they would catch that afternoon; "Well, Bob," said Mr Inglis, "how are you off for fish?" "Heaps on 'em, sir, down below in the pool; but I'm 'feard they weant feed, for it's rather a bad time.

"None yer tomfool'ry 'bout me. She ain't no baby. Harder! I tell yer. Yer ain't draw'd no blood nary time. Ef yer don't min' me I'll knock yer down. Yer whips like yer wus 'feard yer'd hurt 'er. Yer ac' like yer never whipped no nigger sence yer wus bawn. Yer's got ter tiptoe ter it, an' fling yer arm back at a better lick 'an that.

He tells her as he has a sleep at the club." "He cannot say that." "Hain't I heard him? But he do go to his bed a bit, and then they both lies quiet, her pretending she is sleeping so as he can sleep, and him 'feard to sleep case he shouldn't wake up to give her the bottle stuff." "What does the doctor say about her?" "He's a good one, the doctor.

Of Cruelty, and Clemency, and whether it is better to be belov'd, or feard. Descending afterwards unto the other fore-alledged qualities, I say, that every Prince should desire to be held pitiful, and not cruel. Nevertheless ought he beware that he ill uses not this pitty.