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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Yo mun go up to th' Abbey directly, mother," said Jem, with a wink, "Mistress Nutter wishes to see ye. Yo'n find her i' t' ruins o' t' owd convent church. Tak kere yo're neaw seen. Yo onderstond." "Yeigh," replied Elizabeth, nodding her head significantly, "ey'n go at wonst, an see efter Alizon ot t' same time. Fo ey'm towd hoo has fainted, an been ta'en to th' Abbey by Lady Assheton."

"An naw great matter, if it hasn't," returned the miller's wife. "Bess Demdike's neaw great loss." "Is this Bess Demdike's child?" cried Paslew, recoiling. "Yeigh," exclaimed the miller's wife. And mistaking the cause of Paslew's emotion, she added, triumphantly, to her daughter, "Ey towd te, wench, ot t' lort abbut would be of my way o' thinking. T' chilt has got the witch's mark plain upon her.

'I towd him mysen, said Mrs. Goodall, ''Er's held back all this long, let 'er stop as 'er is. 'E'd none ha' had thee for my tellin' tha hears. No, 'e's a fool, an' I know it. I says to him, 'Tha looks a man, doesn't ter, at thy age, goin' an' openin' to her when ter hears her scrat' at th' gate, after she's done gallivantin' round wherever she'd a mind.

But, Louie, that merchant I towd yo on came yesterday, an he wor a hard un, he wor as tough as nails, a sight worse nor owd Croker to deal wi, ony day in th' week. I could mak nowt on him an he gan me sich a poor price. I darn't tak a penny on 't from your aunt noa, I darn't, Louie, not if it wor iver so.

She turned round then and faced him, harder to be met in her rigid mood than if she had been a tempest. "Tha knows what I ha' getten to say," she answered, her tone strained and husky with repressed fierceness. "Aye! tha knows it well enough. I ha' not much need to tell thee owt. He comn here this morning an' he towd me aw I want to know about thee, Seth Lonas an' more too."

"Oh, don't trouble yourself, pray!" she said in polite haste. His brows knit again. "I know how 'tis you won't come here again." Her little face changed. "I'd like to," she said, her voice wavering, "because papa used to stay here." He stared at her. "I do remember Cousin Stephen," he said at last, "though I towd you I didn't.

'Th' owd mon stood to his gun, and wouldn't say "Yez" till I gave in; an' aw stood to mi gun, and to Betty an' o', an' towd her faither 'at aw were as good as ony on 'em. One day th' lass come to me wi' tears in her een, and said: "Malachi, didsto ever read Solomon's Song?" "Yi, forsure aw did. Why doesto ax me that question?" "Doesto remember th' seventh verse o' th' last chapter?" hoo said.

I wor i' bed when th' missis gav me th' letter, and I could tell by her face summat wor wrang. "What is it, lass?" I axed. "What a towd thee it would be," hoo said. "We are ruined." "Thaa never sez so!" I shaated. "It's paper as says so," hoo said, "noan me," and hoo handed me th' lawyer's letter. I tried to get aat o' bed, Mr.

"It's os mitch os yer loife's worth to kneel an pray here, onless yo choose to ge an throw yersel at th' feet o' yon black image." "Kneel to that idol never!" exclaimed Alizon. And while striving to call upon heaven for aid, a sharp convulsion seized her, and deprived her of the power of utterance. "Ey towd yo how it wad be," remarked Jennet, who watched her narrowly.

'Well, if the New Testament test is a true one, he is, for he is indeed bringing forth fruits meet for repentance. 'He is so, said Enoch, 'it what Abram sez is true. I awlus towd my missus that whenever Moses gave his furst hawve-craan it 'ud be his fust stride towards th' kingdom o' grace; but if he's gin Jim Crawshaw his deeds back he's getten a deal further into th' kingdom nor some o' us.

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