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Updated: January 5, 2025

Lettres de Silvio Pellico, recueillies et mises en ordre, par M. GUILLAUME STEFANI. Traduites et précédées d'une Introduction, par M. ANTOINE DE LATOUR. Paris: 1857. pp. liii, 493. 8 vo. Silvio Pellico is one of the most touching ghosts that glide through the chambers of the memory. This volume will increase his pure fame. It will be read with painful interest.

"Mémoires de la Reine de France," par M. Lafont d'Aussonne, p. 42. See her letters to Mercy, December 26th, 1784, and to the emperor, December 31st, 1784, and February 4th, 1785, Arneth, p. 64, et seq. "J'ai été réellement touchée, de la raison et de la fermeté que le roi a mises dans cette rude séance." Marie Antoinette to Joseph II., August 22d, 1785, Arneth, p. 93.

«On verra, dans le cours de cet ouvrage, combien le montagnes calcaires ont fréquemment cette forme. Outre ces grandes couches qui constituent le corps de la montagne, et qui peuvent en général être mises dans la classe des couches horizontales, on en trouve d'autres dont l'inclinaison est absolument différente.

Among the authors of original scientific books, Hirsch Rabinowitz should be given the first place, as the writer of a series of treatises on physics, chemistry, etc., which appeared at Wilna, between the years 1866 and 1880. After him come Lerner, Mises, Reifmann, and a number of others. The period was also prolific in periodicals representing various tendencies.

As a mere history of a change of convictions, the Souvenirs are interesting, but hardly of much importance. They are written with a kind of Epicurean serenity and dignity, avoiding all exaggeration and violence, profuse in every page in the delicacies and also in the reticences of respect, not too serious to exclude the perpetual suggestion of a well-behaved amused irony, not too much alive to the ridiculous and the self-contradictory to forget the attitude of composure due to the theme of the book. He warns his readers at the outset that they must not look for a stupid literalness in his account. "Ce qu'on dit de soi est toujours poésie" the reflection of states of mind and varying humours, not the exact details of fact. "Tout est vrai dans ce petit volume, mais non de ce genre de verité qui est requis pour une Biographie universelle. Bien des choses ont été mises, afin qu'on sourie; si l'usage l'eût permis, j'aurais écrire plus d'une fois

Mises, besides poems, literary and artistic essays, and other occasional articles.

"i writ you these few lines in hast i don like youar gon a walen an in the south sea dont go darlin tom or mebbe ill never se you agin for ave bad drems of you darlin tom an im afraid so don go my darlin tom but come back an take anoth ship for America baby i as wel as ever but mises is pa an as got a new tooth an i think yo otnt go a walen o darlin tom * sea as the wages was i in New York an better go thar an id like to go ther for good for they gives good wages in America.

"Eh bien. Monsieur, comment trouvez-vous la liberte et l'egalite mises en action?" "Mais, Monsieur, je vous avoue que ie beau ideal que nous autres, nous avons concu de tout cela a Paris, avait quelque chose de plus poetique que ce que nous trouvons ici!" On another occasion I was excessively amused by the tone in which one of these young men replied to a question put to him by another Frenchman.

In his poems, Mises assails Geiger for the religious reforms urged by him, and he opposes also the school of He-Haluz in the name of the national tradition. Later on Mises published an important history of modern philosophy in Hebrew. Michael Pines, a writer in Ha-Lebanon, and the opponent of Lilienblum, was the protagonist of the conservative party in Lithuania.

"Ai herbes prises Qui de granz vertuz sont enprises Sus quelque mal qu'el soient mises Le maus s'enfuit." There is no reference in the poem to a cure about to be performed in the presence of the audience, which does not however exclude the possibility of such cure being effected.

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