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Fairleigh and nussed his daughter Madge. De white folks wont good to me. My marster was a good man but my missus wont no good woman. She uster box my ears, stick pins in me and tie me ter de cedar chest and whoop me as long as she wanter. Oh, how I did hate dat woman. "Yes, once in my life I seed a ghost.

We uster have ter take rocks an beat corn ter make meal. We wud have ter go sometime fifty mile to git ter a griss mill. An when we couldn't git coan mashed inter meal we wud make hominy and hit sho wuz good too. "Ah use ter card fer granma while she wuz spinnin. We made our socks, gloves, and thread. We didn' have dat ter buy. When ah wuz a boy everybody farmed and we had a plenty.

Then the shearer's volcano showed signs of activity. He shifted round, spat impatiently, and said: "You chaps don't know what yer talkin' about. You want something to grumble about. You should have been out with me last year on the Paroo in Noo South Wales. The meat we got there was so bad that it uster travel!" "What?" "Yes! travel! take the track! go on the wallaby!

"And if I choose to do neither?" he said haughtily. She looked at him in unutterable scorn. "There's the winder take it while there's time, afore I bar it. Ef you see Hiram, tell him ye left an old woman behind ye to defend the place whar you uster hide with her darter." Before he could reply there was a distant report, followed almost directly by another.

He has the lamp hidden somewhere I'm sure of it." At the bathhouse they found the big colored man, Jumbo, who bowed most respectfully to Hodge. "Hello, Jumbo," said Bart. "How are your muscles to-day?" "Well, sah," grinned the darky, "dey am not painin' me so much as dey uster was. No, sah! Marsa Frank he sorter finds plenty ob work fo' to reduce de pain in mah muscles."

"You know the steamer?" "Yas, sah. Ah's seed her afore dis down et Saint Louee. She uster run down de ribber she's de John B. Glover. She ain't no great shakes ob a boat, sah." His eyes, which had been eagerly following the movements of the craft, turned and glanced at me. "Now dey's goin' fer ter cross over, sah, so's ter keep de channel.

"Well the gals Mammy thought hit war jes peculiar dat, dat happened wen she war er looking at the parade. "Yah! Yah! I sho remember how de ole folks uster dress. De women wore hop skirts en de men wore tight breeches.

When I think of the time when my father an' mother, God bless 'em, uster take me with'm to the leetle parish church way back in New Brunswick, a lump comes inter my throat, an' a feelin' creeps over me that I can't jist describe.

Koku was jes' de same, an' when we hears dat noise, up we jumps, an' gits t' chasm. He runned dis way, an' us was arter him, but land lub yo', ole Eradicate ain't so spry as he uster be an' Koku an' de chicken thief got ahead ob me. Leastwise he ain't no chicken thief yit, 'case as how he didn't git in de coop, but he meant t' be one, jes' de same."

Kenneth was so dear to us and to think that we shall never see him again!" "Don't say that, lassie. As ye are a Christian woman ye must believe that ye'll meet yer brother agin, when them pearly gates are opened. I was jist a-thinkin' how once I uster laugh at the idea of a future life.