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W'en a slave got whupped hit wuz cose dey disobey dere white folks en de overseer whupped dem. I though mah white folks wuz awful mean ter me sumtime." "I nebber b'leeved in ghos' but hab yeard lots 'bout dem. Lots of peeples did b'leeve in dem back in dem times. Uster sing a lot but I dunno names ob dem now. I dunno w'at ez gwine ter 'kum ob dis young crowd.

Henry shifted his position, and, leaning upon his cane from another angle, went on: "'Twas dis away. Once uponer time me an' John Gomus an' John Flowers, we was round at Mr. Holmes' stables, right back of Mr. Kidder's whey I uster keep my horse and kyart; dere was woods right dare den, sah, an' a graveyard; an' I had a horse and kyart of my own.

"Them wuz sheriff's sales," said the landlord, laughing uproariously, in which he was joined by a seedy, red-nosed character, addressed as Zeke, who appeared to be a hanger-on of the barroom in the function of echo to the landlord's jokes. "Ye'll git uster that air red flag ef ye stay long in these parts.

The old man began to tell a story: "Feller down in the bottoms owned a calf that had wool on him like a sheep; uster ter shear him every spring, and one time he " "Jasper, didn't Peters say he was a comin' after you?" "Margaret, is it possible that you've been listenin' to two men talkin' business? Now, business is a sort of a sacred thing.

Miss Puss gave me a pair of red morocco shoes en I was made so happy, I'se neber fohgot dese shoes. "I heard my Mammy talk of "De Nigger Risin". De Klu Klux uster stick de niggers head on er stake alongside de Cadiz road en dar de buzzards would eat them till nuthin' was left but de bones.

He took up the lines and clucked to the horses, but it was discovered that something more remained to be said and he was commanded to wait. "Jest hold on a minit till I git sorter uster the idee," said Margaret. "I want to say somethin' an' I don't know what." Old Jasper put his arm about her.

The other fellers that 'ad their tongues 'anging out for a fag uster go'n borrow a leaf off o' Bass whenever they could raise a bit o' baccy, but at last Bass shut down on these loans. "Where's your own Testament?" he'd say. "You was served out one same as me, wasn't you? Lot o' irreligious wasters! Get a Bible give you an' can't take the trouble to carry it.

I uster have a sweet tooth, but now I ain't got nothin' but a sweet gum; but my Molly Baby kin make sich good crus' th' ain't no need to chaw none." The old woman had been rather scornful of the method of making pastry that Molly had learned from the domestic science teacher at Wellington, but when the pie turned out such a success she was converted. "Yo' teacher is sho' done drawd a prize cook.

Wen de babies had colic I'd take dirt dobber nest and make a tea, den giv did ter de baby. Sometimes If I couldn't fin no dirt dobber nes I would git a spider web and make a tea den giv dis or else jes shake de baby by de heels. If folks would tend ter babies like dey uster why dese people now wouldn't hev heart trouble.

Oh, I say, now, ye don't expect me ter stay in all this fuss an' fixin's!" he exclaimed ruefully. "It it is the room I calculated fur ye," said Ann, with almost a choke in her voice. The boy looked up quickly and something rose within him that he did not quite understand. "Oh, well, ye know, it's slick as a whistle an' all that, but I ain't uster havin' it laid on so thick.