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Old Bill Lee was obliged to trust largely to the greater learning of his wife, but he chuckled over every word he managed to pick out, as if he had pulled in a twenty-pound bluefish; and the signature at the bottom affected him somewhat as if he had captured a small whale. "Sho! De boy!" said Glorianna. "He's doin' fust-rate. Dar ain't anoder young gen'lman at dat ar' 'cad'my jes' like him.

Ole massa, he not 'pear to like de idea ob parting wid Phillis jus den, for he know right well dat he not get anoder like her bery soon, and so he tells de trader dat de niggar 'pear bery well, but as for de real work, he got a dozen dat go ahead ob her, and if de gemman want de real workin' niggar, dey step round de oder side de plantation; but de trader, he keep his eye on Phillis, like he understand de business too well to be put off dat way, and he say to massa, tell you what 'tis, mister, dat gal may not hab de genuine work 'bout her now, but if she get tinder old Killall's lash, dar be no trouble bout dat, and den when she good for notin' else, after de work all out ob her, she might keep a little ob her looks, 'nough to make her go for a hundred or so.

Guy, an' mam-ma is Julia, and 'ittle brother is Guy, too only he's a baby, and vomits up his dinner and ties awfully sometimes; an' I knows anoder 'ittle girl named for somebody who dives her 'sings, a whole lot, an' why doesn't youse dive me some, when I'se your sake-name, an' loves you ever so much, and why'se you never turn here to see me. I wish you would.

Two or tree days after dis we take anoder prize, which was robbed ob eberyting ob value on board, and was den treated same as Les deux Amis had been. I was very glad to get off wid my life, but I berry much wish myself out of de ship again, and determined to make my 'scape as soon as I hab opportunity. "`De cappen each day ask me when I going to make de sea-pie.

"De Huron Injin, him and anoder nigger am out in de woods waitin' for de night to come, when I'm goin' for to take you out to dem." "But Keeway your wife?" "Keewaygooshturkumkankangewock? Yaw, she mine frow; been married six seven years. Nice name dat. Know what Keewaygooshturkumkankangewock means?"

"I understand, Moses. That speech means that you are suffering from the same complaint. Well get out the biscuit." "Jus' de way ob de wurld," muttered the negro with a bland smile. "If a poor man obsarves an feels for de sorrows ob anoder, he allers gits credit for t'inkin' ob his-self. Neber mind, I's used to it!"

"Strange," muttered Leo, reverting to his notebook, "it did not look like wind when the sun went down. It must be going to blow hard." After a few minutes of silence Leo again looked up inquiringly. "Dere's anoder squall," said Anders. "More like a sneeze than a squall. Listen; that is a queer pattering sound." They listened, but all was silent. After a minute or so they resumed their occupations.

"I's no misdoubts as she was innocenter dan a lamb, herself, for she do look it as she lay dar wid de heabenly smile frozen on her face; but I do misdoubts dese secrety marriages; I 'siders ob 'em no 'count. Ten to one, honey, de poor forso'k sinner as married her has anoder wife some'ers." Without knowing it the old woman had hit the exact truth.

"'I beg your most massiful pardon, sais I, 'but as you is ablutionists, and when you preach, calls us regraded niggars your coloured bredren, I tought I might venture to foller in de same suit, if I had a card ob same colour. "'Well done, Uncle Tom, sais they. 'Well done, Zip Coon, and dey made me swallow anoder glass ob naked truth. Dis here child has a trong head, Massa, dat are a fac.

But Bertha, an undistinguishable heap on the floor of the unlit room, only gasped brokenly for breath and wept on. "Ach, ach, ach, lieber Gott in Himmel!" sobbed Bertha. "Why didn't Toby come for me? Ach, ach! What iss happened mit Toby? Somedings iss happened I know ut!" "Ya, ya!" jibed Gratz; "somedings iss heppened, I bet you! Brop'ly he's got anoder vife, dod's vot heppened!