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"Veil, I vill soon finish," he remarked, "as I was saying, I goes up de shtreet von little more vays and I ask anoder man vere dis voman vas, and he shust look on me and shay he vould not tell noting to von tam Tutchman, and I go to von oder man and he show me von little log cabin, and I goes up dere softly and I sees dis voman in dere."

"'Burr, I suggested, and he replied, 'Yes, sar, dat's it, Aaron Burr, anoder big man, an' dey calls de twins Alex and Aaron. Fine boys, too, wid Mandy Ann's get-up in 'em.

"I can't do anything for you," Mr. Swartz said with a frown. "Dere is scarce a day but some peoples or anoder vants charity and I " "I do not come to ask for charity," she interrupted hastily. "I have only come to ask you a favor." "Vat is it?" he enquired. "As I told you before, my children and myself are nearly starving," she replied.

"Id means," the German importer answered philosophically, "dat if diamonds like dese keep popping up like dis, dat in anoder d'ree months dey vill nod be vorth more as five cents a bucketful." The truth of the observation came to the four others simultaneously.

Now, 'Ockins, fair play wid de marrow-bones. Hand me anoder." "Is it far, Mr Ravonino," asked Mark, "from here to the capital to Antananarivo?" "You cleared 'im that time, Doctor!" murmured Hockins, wiping his mouth with a bunch of grass which he carried as a substitute for a pocket-handkerchief. "Yes, it is a long way," said the outlaw; "many days' journey over mountain and plain."

I'm 'one of the least of these. You don't do these things to be seen of men." "No, nor I doesn't do it kase I specs ter git anoder string to my harp bime-by. I does it kase I'se kin'er sorry fer de po' critters." "Exactly. That is why He fed the hungry and healed the sick. He was sorry for them. Come, Aun' Sheba, don't be foolish any more." "I feels it kin'er sumptious ter be so shuah."

Dis village got its share ob slabes, and we drink and sing and make merry wid de palm tree wine and tink ourselves berry grand fellows. Well, sar, dat night great hullyballoo in de village. De dogs bark, de men shout and seize deir arms and run out to fight, but it no good. Anoder tribe fall on us ten times as many as we. We fight hard but no use.

What could it mean? Natalie looked upon it in astonishment. "Where did you get this?" she asked. "My poor ole man gabe it to me, de last time I sees him, and he takes anoder like it, and say, 'Phillis, we will keep dem; dey's not quite as 'spressive as de garultypes ob missus's, but when you sees dat, you may know dat old Bingo am tinking ob you."

"Doucement, mon cher Colonel," interposed the Countess, "ve sall play anoder game, and you sall had von better chance," clapping him on the back as she spoke. "I von't!" bellowed Jorrocks. "Turn this chap out first. I'll do it myself. H'Agamemnon! H'Agamemnon! happortez my sword! bring my sword! tout suite, directly!" "Police! Police! Police!" screamed the Countess out of the window; "Police!

Den years pass by, and I hear of de merciful Saviour, who die for me; and I say, `Dat is just what I want, and I learn to be Christian. But I will tell you anoder day more about myself; I now go to get ready de cabin dinner." I told Timbo that I should keep him to his promise, as I was much interested in the short account he had given of himself.