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"No don't!" said Alex, as the enraged oiler spun about to strike the half-prostrate man. "He's down, and has given up." At that moment interruption came from another quarter.

Anderson leaned forward in the pulpit and gave the solemn invitation to those who had sat under the kindly influence of the gospel for many years untouched to shake off their soul-destroying lethargy, and come forward and enroll themselves on the Lord's side. It was the Friday after one of these appeals that Alex came into the kitchen and said awkwardly,

Moise, a strong and skilful paddler, was more disposed to sudden bursts of energy than was the soberer and quieter Alex, who, none the less, came along not far in the rear with slow and easy strokes which seemed to require little exertion on his part, although they drove the boat straight and true as an arrow.

The voice belonged to Miss Pennington who now came forward with a cordial greeting, and presented Alex and Miss Virginia to her friend, Miss Carpenter. Miss Carpenter's manner was somewhat distant in contrast, but seen without the disfiguring glasses she usually wore, Alex found her unexpectedly handsome.

Come ahead and let's clean them, Moise." The boys all fell to and assisted the men at this work, Moise showing them how to prepare the fish. "How are we going to keep them?" asked John, who always seemed to be afraid there would not be enough to eat. "Well," explained Alex, "we'll put them in between some green willow boughs and keep them that way till night.

"I don't like this sort of talk," said Jesse. "If there's any place where I could walk I'd get out." "I'm telling you now about bad water," said Alex, "and telling you how to take care of yourself in case you find yourself there.

The girl had gone away, and the community had accepted Alex Randall for his wife's sake, but not unqualifiedly. Mrs. Randall had never been very strong, and of late she had become something of an invalid, as invalidism goes in the country, where women are constantly ailing without any visible neglect of duty. It had "broke her spirit," the women said.

Since father sold the sixty-acre farm to the First National Bank we thought we'd improve the remaining hundred and forty by putting up a wire fence on concrete posts." "You'd have to put up a shed and get some moulds and all that sort of thing," said Bob. "Why not let us sell you posts?" "Will you sell us some?" asked Alex. "Surely," said Bob.

She can ease off gently in the meantime and give Egypt as an excuse for finally withdrawing." "You think Alex is more to blame than Horringford?" said Miss Craven, with a note of challenge in her voice. Peters shrugged. "I blame them both. But above all I blame the system that has been responsible for the trouble." "You mean that Alex should have been allowed to choose her own husband?

Read three times and ratified in general assembly, the 10th day of May, A. D. 1780. Signed by ALEX. MARTIN, S. S. THOMAS BENBURY. S. C. "James Turner, Esq., Governor. "At the general assembly begun and held at Raleigh, on the fifteenth day of November, in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and two, and in the thirty-seventh year of the independence of said State.

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