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Hardly a second elapsed before he again spoke: "Hold on dar; you kickin' all my brains out! I'll try it!" The next moment Leslie heard a dull thump, and Zeb came rolling down directly beside him. "I's killed! Ebery bone is broken. I can't live anoder second." "Zeb! Zeb!" whispered Leslie, in a hurried whisper.

"'Pears to me I'se rudder runned away wid one man dan hab anoder man runned away wid me." "Don't ever speak to me of such a thing again." "Well, den, Miss Lou, de niggahs on dis plantashon des lub you, en dey ain' hankerin' arter Marse Whately. Ef you say de wud, I des belebe dey riz right up again dis mar'age."

"Perhaps anoder hornbill come and make her nest dere, den we catch her and her husband. Bery good chance of dat, I tink."

I asked old Ransom Pope, a Negro. "One an' anoder!" he said. The gullies and the weeds were full of them and the steward found them easy and cheap feeding. "You come yere for breakfast to-morrow an' I smash your dam head!" the steward said to the boy, as we left the dining room. There was no reply. Each man went his way. They were tired too tired to think.

"Anoder ting," said Candace; "as much as a dozen times, dis yer last year, when I's been a-scourin' knives, a fork has fell an' stuck straight up in de floor; an' de las' time I pinted it out to Miss Marvyn, an' she on'y jes' said, 'Why, what o' dat, Candace?" "Well," said Miss Prissy, "I don't believe in signs, but then strange things do happen.

"Indeed I is, Miss Edie; 'pears as if I couldn't stan' it anoder minute. And when I heerd you talkin' about dat Friend last night, and tellin' how good He was to people, and He seemed to do you such a heap of good, I thought dat I would jes like to hear little 'bout Him." "Wait till I get my Bible," said Edith. "Bless you, Miss Edie, you'se needn't stop your work.

So dere Alphonsine she's scoop, scoop for breakfas'. "What you tink I'll see some more? I'll see Old Man Savarin. He's watchin' from de corner of de cedar bush, an' I'll know ver' good what he's watch for. He's watch for catch my fader go on his own platform. He's want for learn my fader anoder lesson. Saprie! dat's make me ver' angry, M'sieu! "Alphonsine she's scoop, scoop plenty fish.

Primus fairly caught his breath at Tom's display of learning, who rose considerably higher also in Basset's estimation. After somewhat recovering from his astonishment, and as if he had been reflecting on the subject, the General said "Larning is a great ting, and perhaps you is right and perhaps you isn't, but I hear anoder way to 'count for it." "Out with it then," cried Tom.

De folks like de new-fangle' cakes betteh, an' gwine back to de ole way wouldn't do no good. It's all boun'ter come out dat I'se sellin' fer you as well as fer me. Marse Clancy axed ef you wasn't, leastways he 'gan to ax when I shut him up." "How did you shut him up?" said Mara, breathing quickly. "By axin' him anoder question. Yah, yah, I'se Yankee 'nuff fer dat.

"Well, you'll 'scuse me, sar," returned the negro with an air of profound humility, "but my massa lost a old sarvint a nigger like myself only last munt', an' he wants to go on one ob his usual expeditions jus' now, so he sends me to Batavia to git anoder man 'a good one, you know, says massa, an' as you, sar, was good 'nuff to ax me what you should do, an' you looked a pritty smart man, I "