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Eh, say Massa Wagtail oh, we hear of dem news, dat wery day de first of de ringtail pigeon come to market. Den again, Dat big fight dem had at soch anoder place, when we hear of dat, Massa Wagtail? say somebody else. Oh, oh, de wery day we hab dat beautiful grouper wid claret sauce at Massa Whiffie's.

I pick out what I know make de best pie, putting in plenty of pepper for dat, I guess, would suit de taste ob de genelmen and den I cover the whole ober wid thick crust. It take de night and the next day to bake, and when it am ready de cappen and his officers, and some friends from de shore, dey all say dat dey nebber eat any pie like it; and I laugh, and say, "I make better one anoder day."

"Dar now, mars'r, you isn't in heb'n yet, dough Miss Lou, standin' dar, mout favor de notion. Des you took anoder swaller ob dis ginger-tea, en den you see me'n Chunk ain' angels." Chunk grinned and chuckled. "Neber was took fer one in my bawn days." The young man did as he was bidden, then turned his eyes wistfully and questioningly from the two dark visages back to the girl's sympathetic face.

"He commenced it," whimpered Pewee. "You dells a pig lie a'ready, I beleefs, Peter, and I'll whip you fur lyin' besides wunst more. Fellers like him," pointing to Jack, who was brushing the dust off his clothes, "fellers like him don't gommence on such a poy as you. You're such anoder viter I never seed." And he shook Pewee savagely.

"Dis child began to tink dat somefing had gone wrong, and was going in anoder five minutes to knock at do door to ask what dey had done to you." "It is all right, Dan, I have had breakfast, and have brought some for you; here is some bread and bacon and a bottle of coffee." "Dat good, massa; my teeth go chatter chatter wid sleeping in dese damp woods; dat coffee do me good, sah.

We go up one, if find dat hit not de one dey go, den come back again and try anoder. What we to do?" After thinking for some little time, Frank suggested that Dominique's best way would be to tell the guide that he was footsore, and that as several paths would have to be searched, he and one of the men would sit down there.

'Neber, massa; a darky neber tells on anoder. De Cunnel had a boy in dat swamp once, good many years. 'Is it possible? Did he come back? 'No, he died dar. Sum ob de hands found him dead one mornin' in de hut whar he lib'd, and dey buried him dar. 'Why did Sam run away? ''Cause de Oberseer flog him. He use him bery hard, massa. 'What had Sam done? 'Nuffin', massa. 'Then why was he flogged?

"'What on airth do you mean, sais she, 'you blockhead; it might as well mind you of tunder. "'Well, Missus, sais I, 'now sometimes one ting does mind me of anoder ting dat way; I nebber sees you, Missus, but what you mind me ob de beautiful white lily, and dat agin ob de white rose dat hab de lubly color on his cheek.

Makin' bill of ladin', my faith! for my cousin Honoré! an' now, I ham a hartis'! So soon I foun' dat, I say, 'Cousin Honoré," the eloquent speaker lifted his foot and administered to the empty air a soft, polite kick "I never goin' to do anoder lick o' work so long I live; adieu!" He lifted a kiss from his lips and wafted it in the direction of his cousin's office. "Mr.

Tat's news for you!" and John gave one of those peculiar Celtic grunts which no combination of letters can express. "And you, you scarecrow-looking rascal," he continued, addressing the other sentinel, "if you'll spoke anoder word, I'll cram my sporran doon your dam troat." Having delivered himself of these friendly addresses, John resumed his march, with additional pride of step and bearing.