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Updated: August 16, 2024

"Divils me darlin'!" called Shon, "are we gluin' our eyes to a chink in the wall, whin the tangle of battle goes on beyand? Bedad, I'll not stand it! Look at them twistin' the neck o' war! Open the gates, open the gates say I, and let us have play with our guns." "Hush! 'Mon Dieu!" interrupted Pierre. "Look! The Tall Master!" None at the Fort had seen the Tall Master since the night before.

"There'd be room for you on the sidewalk if I did," says I. "But say, if you can tear your eyes off the candy counter queen long enough, tell me who's got a sign out this mornin'." "They're going to elect a second vice-president of the Interurban to-day. Would that suit you?" says he, twistin' up his lip whisker and lookin' cute.

And I sez, "I don't want to see no children beat; and," sez I, "what did Tom do to deserve beatin'?" Sez he, "I meant their drums, and the stuns they roll round in their husky skin bags, and cymbals," sez he. "Then," sez I, "why didn't you say so?" Sez he, "I spoze to see them humbly creeters with rings in their noses, a-dancin' and contortin' their bodies, and twistin' 'em round, is a sight.

"I vow, boys, I jest wish ye could ha' seen our Elder; an' yet, I dunno's I do wish so, nuther. He stood a twistin' his hat, jest like any o' us, an' he kind o' stammered, an' I don't believe neither on 'em knew a word he said; an' her cheeks kep' gittin' redder'n redder, an' she looked's ef she was ready to cry, and yet she couldn't keep from larfin, no how.

I remember turnin' and twistin' until my leg felt like it was goin' to break clean off, an' I almost wished it would. But after a while I pulled myself together a little, an' tried to think o' some way out. As soon as I lay still even fer a minute the cold began to gnaw through me, and I knew I'd have t' do whatever I was goin' to do mighty quick, or I'd freeze to death.

He began to walk about as fast as I had ever seen him go. He had been looking for me. Soon he slowed his gait and said in a low voice: "'Ain't ye a leetle bit car'less? An Injun wouldn't have no trouble smashin' yer head with a tommyhawk. In this 'ere business ye got to have a swivel in yer neck an' keep 'er twistin'. Ye got to know what's goin' on a-fore an' behind ye an' on both sides.

He goes on twistin'. Pretty soon she indicates that she has enough. He helps her up with a kick, and they goes on." The foreman of the jury rose. "Your honor," he said, "it is an obvious case of raptae puellae. In my opinion the prisoner was more than justified in shooting the man Ruddy Boyd like a dog." "Sit down," said the judge.

All the time Mitch kept twistin' in his seat and sayin', "He's tryin' to get 'em to lie. That's what he's doin'." Mrs. Rainey was in the court, sittin' behind the railing. Temple Scott sat behind Major Abbott at the trial table. My pa was on the other side, and Sheriff Rutledge kept runnin' in and out, bringin' in witnesses.

She turned to the other women, but ignored the protesting Sadie. Lulu sprang from the arms of a man on whose shoulder she had been reclining. "Scared?" she cried. "Come right on. I'm game. Beasley's keen to give her a twistin' well, guess it's always up to us to oblige." And she laughed immoderately. Kit joined in. She cared nothing so long as she was with the majority.

"Huh!" grunted Bandy-legs, who had bumped his head, and because it felt sore he was not in the happiest mood possible; "that's just what we're wantin' to do, if you c'n call this turnin' twistin' raft a ship. Makes me dizzy the way she reels and cavorts; just like she might be trying one of them new fangled dance steps."

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