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"Anson, I'm keen fer thet myself," declared Shady Jones. "Jim, what d'ye say to thet?" queried Anson. "Rustlin' out of this black hole?" "Shore it's a grand idee," agreed Wilson. "Thet was a cougar," avowed Anson, gathering courage as the silence remained unbroken. "But jest the same it was as tough on me as if it hed been a woman screamin' over a blade twistin' in her gizzards."

He looked like a sick bar raisin' his head so slow an' droppin' it so slow an' sort of twistin' his body. He looked like his back had been broke an' he was tryin' to get up, but somehow I couldn't believe thet. Then he lay still an' Edd swore he was dead. Shore I got almost to believin' thet myself, when he waked up.

"Then put it over the plate while I'm on my battin' streak," says I. "Who's next?" "A lady this time," says he; "perchance two ladies." And he develops that eye twinkle of his. "Huh!" says I, twistin' my neck and feelin' of my tie. "You ain't springin' any tea-pourin' stunt, are you?" "Strictly business," says he; "at least," he adds, chucklin', "that is the presumption.

Course, she had a cinch in one way. All she has to do is exhibit Veronica in some public place, and she has every man in sight twistin' his neck. They dropped for her at the first glimpse.

A feller may look through a roof and a wall, but he can't look through light comin' the other way, especially when it's twistin' and curlin' and spittin'." "That's a capital idea," said Clewe. "I never thought of using the photo-hose in that way. But there are very few people in this world who would know anything about my new lens machinery even if they saw it.

It seemed like she had stuck a knife into him, an' was twistin' it around slow without losin' her temper. He squirmed, he bit his lip, his thumbs kept runnin' over the inside of his fingers. It was some time before he spoke, an' then he said, "How much longer you goin' to keep that child awake?"

I always was a lively lad, an' for want of anything better to do, for my father wouldn't have us go to work till we was strong enough, he said an' for that matter it turned out well when the hard time came I used to amuse myself an' the rest by standin' on my head an' twistin' of my body into all sorts o' shapes more'n it could well ha' been meant for to take.

'It be a stiffish country from all accounts, with a good deal o' water jumpin'; that is to say, the Liffey runs twistin' and twinin' about it like a H'Eel. 'Then I'd better ride the brown, I think, observed Sponge, after a pause: 'he has size and stride enough to cover anything, if he will but face water.

It looked like a mountain sheep, as well as I could make out; but there it was for sure; an' thinkin' how good that critter will taste roasted has given me a regular twistin' pain all through my empty inside! But th' point is that down on that side o' th' mountain there's game; I saw birds, too, but I couldn't make out what they were; an', somehow, it looks different down there.

Lord be good to me, for I have stud some throuble!" "Lie down and go to sleep," said I, not being able to comfort or advise. "You're the best man in the regiment, and, next to Ortheris, the biggest fool. Lie down and wait till we're attacked. What force will they turn out? Guns, think you?" "Try that wid your lorrds an' ladies, twistin' an' turnin' the talk, tho' you mint ut well.