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"Nobody but Hal Dozier rides twistin' that way in the saddle. I'd tell him in a thousand. It's old wounds that makes him ride like that. We got ten minutes. He's takin' the long way up the canyon. And they ain't anybody with him." "If he's come alone," said Andrew, "he's come for me and not for the rest of you." No one spoke. Then Larry la Roche: "He wants to make it man to man. That's clear.

They look like claws they're that crippled an' twisted." "Things weren't like that in the old days when our folks crossed the plains," she answered. "They might a-got their fingers twisted, but they owned the best goin' in the way of horses and such." "Sure. They worked for themselves. They twisted their fingers for themselves. But I'm twistin' my fingers for my boss.

Bates continued: "It really used to make my heart ache to see the little forlorn thing sit there in the gallery, fixed up so old and fussy, and then to see her sister prinked out like a milliner's show window, a puckerin' and twistin', and if she happens to catch her sister's eye, I have actually seen her turn up her nose at her, so " and Mrs.

You is goin' ter be lucky in love, 'n then you is goin' ter be unlucky. You is goin' ter risk gettin' shot, but dere ain't goin' ter be no shootin'. When summer come around you is goin' ter have sorrer in you' breas', and when winter comes around dere'll be de same ole sorrer, a twistin' and a gnawin'." "What sort of a sorrow, Auntie?"