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"If anythink, I should say it partakes of the diabolic; so you've got no occasion to make it wus than it is by twistin' it about like that. Wotever do you do it for?" Little Jim replied by a sound which can only be represented by the letters "sk," pronounced in the summit of the nose.

The carpenter had come back to us. He treated Jevons exactly like a child. "That tester can't be set up to-night. Not unless, as I say, you squeeges of it jam tight between the ceilin' and the floor. An' then you'll 'ave to prise the ceilin' up every time you moves of it, else you'll start them postsis all a twistin' and a rockin', an' 'ow'll you feel then?"

"Well, Ham, if you don't know, I don't know how I am to convince you." "Hold on. Don't go twistin' around that way you make me dizzy." He lowered his voice confidentially, although there was no one within five walls of them. "I know the difference between a gold brick and a government bond, anyhow. I believe bucking the railroad's going to pay in a year or so.

But she made the words out of peeled poplar poles, with her axe, and put them up at the front of her house, facin' the track, and the blamed words stick. Mind you, she must have spent months twistin' and turnin' them poles to suit her and get the letters right, and she made a rustic fence to put them on. They're so foolish you can't forget them.

"I've got an idea that I've seen the cuss somewheres before, but I ain't able to place him." "His mug looks like he was soured on the world especial himself. If I had a twistin' upper lip like that, I'd sure plant some whiskers on it. A mustache, now, would hide a lot of the hyena in him." Owen stared meditatively at the new man through the flames.

"Yes, afraid!" he repeated stubbornly. "Afraid of being away from the sound of a human voice, because whin you are, the voices of the black divils of conscience come twistin' up from the ground in a little wiry whisper, and moanin' among the trees, and whistlin' in the wind, and rollin' in the thunder, and above all in the dark they screech, and shout, and roar,'We're after you, Jimmy Malone!

You see, she ain't never felt right about the way she used to do the old woman, an' I reckon she wus afeerd her dead body would do a sight more accusin' I dunno, she wouldn't go a step fer some reason ur other, but she stood thar twistin' 'er hands an' cryin' an' beggin' me to do her duty.

A sort of whisper ran through the room, and everybody made up their minds it was Sir Ferdinand. Jim and I both looked at him. 'Wa-al! said one of our Yankee friends, 'what 'yur twistin' your necks at like a flock of geese in a corn patch? How d'ye fix it that a lord's better'n any other man? 'He's a bit different, somehow, I says.

A farmer's got to be born, same as a fool. You can't make a corn pone out of flour dough by the twistin' of it." "That's so," admitted Amos Burr, laying down his knife and meeting his wife's eyes. "That's so. You can't make a corn pone out of flour dough, noways you turn it." "Perhaps I'll try some day," said Nicholas with a laugh; and he rose and went out of the house.

We cuts in between Dan an' Mexican public opinion and extricates that over-vol'tile sport. "But Dan won't return ontil he exhoomes the chicken, which is still bobbin' an' twistin' its onharmed head where the Mexican buries it.