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"I no unnerstan'. 'Scuse, please. You make one big mistake, yes, I zink so." "I do, indeed. I permit you to live, which I wouldn't do if I knew where to hide your body. Listen to me, Okada. You sent a countryman of yours from the La Questa valley over to the Rancho Palomar to kill Don Miguel Farrel.

"Well, you didn't, but perhaps you meant to," went on the youth, and he repeated his remarks. "'Scuse me, I guess I'd better not go on dish yeah trip after all," came from Washington. "Why not?" demanded Professor Henderson. "'Cause I ain't goin' t' no place whar ef yo' wants t' take a little jump yo' has t' go six times as far as yo' does when yo' is on dis yeah earth.

I wouldn't dare ter teck it in thoo my eye, 'caze don' keer what you say, when a word sets out wid r-a-t, I gwine see a open-eyed rat settin' right at de head of it blinkin' at me ev'y time I looks at it." Speaker: A Black Girl. Time: Easter Morning. "'Scuse me knockin' at yo' do' so early, Miss Bettie, but I'se in trouble. Don't set up in bed. Jes' lay still an' lemme talk to yer.

Then he, too, made a sudden grimace. "Don't stand there making faces," snapped the citizen, bad-humouredly. "If you've come to burgle why don't you do it? There's some stuff lying around." "'Scuse me," said the burglar, with a grin; "but it just socked me one, too. It's good for you that rheumatism and me happens to be old pals. I got it in my left arm, too.

Wool dropped obediently behind, mounted his horse and followed at a respectful distance until Clara turned her horse's head and took the bridle-path toward Tip Top. This move filled poor Wool with dismay. Riding toward her, he exclaimed: "'Deed, Miss Cap, yer mus' scuse me for speakin' now! Whar de muschief is yer a-goin' to?"

The next person he met with was a colored man, who bowed and smiled, and took off his hat. Louis returned the bow, and was passing on when he said, "Massa, 'scuse me for speakin' to you, but dem secesh been hunting all day for a 'serter, him captin dey say." Louis turned pale, but bracing his nerves he said, "Where are they?" "Dey's in the house; is you he?"

Uncle John was seated upon an overturned pail watching Old Hucks oil Joe's harness. The agent approached him with a deferential bow. "Sir," said he, "you'll 'scuse my comin' agin so soon to be a-botherin'; but I hev here three copies of Radford's famis wucks on the Lives o' the Saints, in a edishun dee looks " "A what?" "A edishun dee looks, which means extry fine.

That'll take metal, but we can cannibal the whole Middle without weakening the structure." "Sure ... surges backlash. Remote it." "Check. Remote everything to Baby Two, and " "Would you mind delousing your signal?" Adams asked, caustically. "'Scuse, please, Doc. A guy does talk better in his own lingo, doesn't he?

Kedzie was willing to let it go at that, but Skip pondered: "But, say that ain't goin' to make such a hell of a hit scuse me, lady but I mean if you tell your new landlady about your trunk bein' left on your old one, that ain't goin' to get you nothin' but the door-slam in the snoot.... I tell you: tell her you just come in on the train and your wardrobe-trunk is on the way unless it got delayed in changin' cars at oh, any old place.

Now, if any man suspect me to go on work ob dis a kind in de day time, when ebery body see me in you company, he as much mistake as when he kiss his granny for a gal. De night is de proper time for sich a dark business, and it suit me better if I 'scuse altogeder from it. But I wish to 'bleege you, Missa Basset.