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Hugh asked, a little haughtily, while Sam fearlessly replied: "'Scuse me, massah, but I hears dem dis mornin' hears de city chap sparkin' Miss Ellis, and seen his arm spang round her, too, with her sweet face, white as wool, lyin' in his buzzum." "You saw this after I was gone?" Hugh asked, eagerly, and Sam replied: "Yes, massah, strue as preachin', and I'se sorry for massah.

Yer doin' me dirt, Nell! I never taut ye'd do me dirt, Nell. Come on, will yer?" He spoke in tones of injury. "Why, I don't see why I should be interested in your explanations," said the woman, with a coldness that seemed to reduce Pete to a pulp. His eyes pleaded with her. "Come out a minit while I tells yeh." The woman nodded slightly at Maggie and the mere boy, "'Scuse me."

"'Scuse me, suh," she continued, when she had sat down on the edge of a chair, "'scuse me, suh, I 's lookin' for my husban'. I heerd you wuz a big man an' had libbed heah a long time, an' I 'lowed you would n't min' ef I 'd come roun' an' ax you ef you 'd ever heerd of a merlatter man by de name er Sam Taylor 'quirin' roun' in de chu'ches ermongs' de people fer his wife 'Liza Jane?" Mr.

It's just the same as if there was only one huckleberry in a quart box, and it ain't no trouble to see all around that." "I think, Miss Raybold," said the bishop, "that this good woman has prosecuted her psychical researches with more effect than any of us." "Bosh!" exclaimed Miss Raybold. "Do you really think I must leave this camp at the dictation of that person?" "'Scuse me," said Mrs.

"You must 'scuse ouah 'pearance, we des got ingaged." The fair Sally blushed unseen. "What!" cried Isaac. "Ingaged, aftah what I tol' you to-night." His face was a thundercloud. "Yes, suh." "An' is dat de way you stan' up fu' fo'destination?"

"Let loosen my leg!" say' a big voice all on a suddent. Dat li'l' black boy 'most jump' outen he skin, 'ca'se right dar in de paff is six 'mendjus big ghostes, an' de bigges' ain't got but one leg. So li'l' black Mose jes natchully handed dat hunk of wood to dat bigges' ghost, an' he say': "'Scuse me, Mistah Ghost; Ah ain't know dis your leg."

"I tells you 'scuse." "Very well, I'll forgive you to-day. I suppose I must tolerate you." "No-o-oh ma'an, Teacher, Missis Bailey, don't you do it," screamed Yetta in sudden terror. "I'd have a awful frightened over it. I swear, I kiss up to God, I wouldn't never no more come late on the school. I don't needs nobody should make nothings like that mit me."

"Straight; you ought to write it. Why, it's a wonder; it 'd make a dev 'Scuse me, ladies. It'd make a howling hit. You might make a lot of money out of it." The renewed warmth of their wet feet on the red-tile floor, the scent of fried oysters, the din of "Any Little Girl" on the piano, these added color to this moment of Mr. Wrenn's great resolve. The four stared at one another excitedly. Mr.

You can git a lot of stock about you before long, and what with keepin' a sort of eatin' station and ranchin' it a bit, you ought to git along mighty well, I should say. But 'scuse me, have you ever farmed it much?" "Well, sir," said Buford, slowly, "I used to plant corn and cotton, back in Kentucky, befo' the war." "And you come from Kentucky out here?" "Not precisely that; no, sir.

"Ye'll 'scuse me," O'mie went on, "fur the embarrassin' statement; but I ain't big, I run mostly to brains, while Phil here, an' Bill, an' Dave, an' Bud, an' Possum Conlow runs mostly to beef; an' yet, bein' small, I ain't afraid none of your good Injun. But take this warnin' from me, an old friend that knew your grandmother in long clothes, that you kape wide of Jean Pahusca's trail.