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Her mind was in a wild tumult, but she would not allow herself one rational thought. She spent most of the day in her room preparing for her flight. But when she came down to see Hannibal about their meagre lunch, he said in some surprise and alarm: "Oh, Miss Zell, how burnin' red your cheeks be! You'se got a ragin' feber, sure 'nuff. Go and lie right straight down, and I'se see to eberyting.

I says to myself, 'Aun' Sheba, you'se a wile sinner. Why doan you cry an' groan, an' hab a big conwiction? Den you feel mo' shuah; but de conwiction won' come no how. Sted ob groanin' I gits sleepy." "Well, I think I've got a conviction, Aun' Sheba, and I'm not a bit sleepy." "I don't know what you dribin at. Bettah be keerful how you talk, honey." "I think so too, Ella."

An' young Marse Sidney, dat's you'se fader, Missy, and young Marse Hugh, dat's you'se fader, Missy Ella, dey was han'som as picters an' dey drink toasts ter Missy Mary an' compliment her an' she'd blush like a red rose; an' wen dey all 'bout ter march away Missy Mary kiss Marse Hugh jes as ef he her own broder. Lor, Lor, how it all come back ter me!

He was a tall, straight negro of powerful build, and although his features were African, they were not gross in character. The candle on the mantel near him brought out his profile in fine silhouette, while his quiet steady eyes indicated a nature not stirred by trifles. "You'se a 'publican, Kern, an' you knows dat we culled people got ter take keer ob ourselves."

Then she put her hands up to her face and began to cry, very quietly. Estralla's laughter vanished. She wondered if her mammy was going to tell her that she could not keep the things. "'Scusie, Missy," muttered Aunt Connie; "you'se an angel to my po' little gal. An' I'se 'bliged to you. But I'se feared the chile won't wear 'em long. Massa Robert Waite's man sez he's gwine sell her off right soon."

Suddenly there was a noise within, the door was opened, and Lindy stood before us, in the darkened room, with terror in her eyes. "Oh, Marse Dave," she cried, as we entered, "oh, Madame, I'se so glad you'se come, I'se so glad you'se come." She burst into a flood of tears. And Madame la Vicomtesse, raising her veil, seized the girl by the arm. "What is it?" she said. "What is the matter, Lindy?"

A true lady you'se allers be, even if you went out to scrub." "Perhaps I'll have to, Hannibal. I know how to do that about as well as anything else that people are willing to pay for." At the dinner-table it was reluctantly admitted to be necessary that Edith should go to the city in the morning and dispose of some of their jewelry.

"I met him at Mrs. Willoughby's." "Shuah now! Dat counts fer it. Well, he'd gobble all you'se cake if I'd let him, but I had oder cus'mers on my min'; an' he seem ter hab on'y you on his min'." "You were very wise, Aun' Sheba. So much cake would have made him ill," and she still laughed joyously. "'Pears to me you'se gittin' betteh, Missy Ella."

Slowly he looked from the sturdy little youngster to the mule, and at last back again. "De onlies' diff'ence is," he scratched his head, "dat ef you cross de road now, mebbe you kin do it lak a li'l gemmen; but ef you keep on foolin' 'roun' dis mule's back-doh, you'se apt to git heisted crost lak a jay-bird.

"You'se guys will stay here till Christmas if you expect to get that car into running condition," he said. "The only thing for you'se to do is to let me give you a tow into Jamaica. They'll fix you up at the garage there." "I'm much obliged to you," Morris replied. "Don't mention it," the chauffeur went on. "I won't charge you unreasonable. Ten dollars is my figure." "What!"