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Gobble it up, you beauty!" "Well, what a distrustful beast it is," murmured Theodor to himself. "Am I to be allowed to go in?" But that was not allowed. Almira did not say so in words, but she curled her lip to let him see the beautiful white teeth underneath. "Stupid creature, you don't mean to bite me? Where can the women be? Perhaps in the distillery?"

"Oh," she thought to herself, "if only I could get free, the first thing I would do would be to gobble up that horrid little mouse." The moon rose, the stars came out, the wind murmured amongst the branches of the banyan tree, making the unfortunate cat long to be safe in her cosy home in the trunk.

I wonder now, whether the good man with one ear has left anything remaining. That most charming of girls, how she caresses the little ones, and kisses them, and gives to them all the rusks and the cakes that have escaped the fingers of Monsieur Gobble. Now she has had herself, the sweet child! of the whole entertainment, no more than me the smell. What a movement suddenly takes place in the room!

He calls "gobble, gobble, gobble," all the time, yet he does not gobble as much as the busy White Wyandottes all around him who are forever looking for kernels of corn or worms or bugs. But who is this magnificent creature coming along over the lawn under the cherry-tree? Uncle Roger, who sails around the world in a great ship with white sails, gave him to the children.

He detested the way they had of sidling past him timidly, with sidewise glances, as if they expected him to gobble them up at a mouthful if they ventured to say a word. That was the Avonlea type of well-bred little girl.

Suddenly a young man riding a valuable horse came out from behind the clump of poplars and flowering briar-rose. "It is an Englishman," remarked the Colonel. "Lord bless you, yes, General," said the post-boy; "he belongs to the race of fellows who have a mind to gobble up France, they say."

"You ought to tell me where you're going," Spot suggested. "If the Rooster should gobble I must know where to find you." So Turkey Proudfoot told him. He told him in such a low tone that nobody else could hear. It was almost dark in the cornfield on a crisp evening late in November. It was not Farmer Green's field, but that of a neighbor of his. And it was far from any house.

Don't let him know I told you all this; it would make him so very much ashamed. One day Madame Fox, who was strolling along under the hedge, heard a Blackbird trilling on a branch. Quick as thought she jumped and seized the little fellow, and was about to gobble him down then and there. But the Blackbird began to chirp piteously: "Oh, oh, Madame Fox! What are you thinking of?

"My advice, captain," he continued, turning to Frank, "would be to ride carefully up in front of the house, hitch our horses for of course, we must not lose them and then burst open the door and gobble up the guerrilla before he has time to get out of bed." This plan was adopted. Then they entered the yard, and ascended the steps that led on to a wide portico.

He doubled up with laughter, for it was really comical to see how eagerly Moses was delving into his oat supply, as though he feared he was now about to be divorced from his feast, and retired in disgrace, wherefore he wished to gobble all he could while the golden opportunity lasted. After they had all had several convulsions of merriment Steve concluded it was time they took things in hand.