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Aboudt forty or fifty pounds. Der fires vos banked. Pud vy?" "Oh, nothing. I've just got a little plan in my head. Now, Jack, suppose you and I take a little run to the boiler room and look about us a bit." The boy was glad of anything to do to relieve the tension of waiting for the attack that didn't come. He gladly accompanied the self-reliant Westerner to the boiler house.

If all these people were asked, 'Who is M. d'Artagnan? they would reply, 'Nescio vos. But let any one say to them, 'There is the king going by, 'There is M. Monk going by, they would run away, shouting, 'Vive le roi! 'Vive M. Monk! till their lungs were exhausted.

Him Hugo he svim like a otter, he do, but me I svim like a stone. De shore he ban couple hundret yard off, mebbe leetle more. I hold on to de bow and Hugo he grab de stern. So he begin push for shore, svimmin' vid his feet, but dat turriple slow going, vid de canoe all under vater, yoost holdin' us up a bit, and it vos cold, awful turriple cold in dat vater.

He put his hands upon her shoulders and looked down into the beautiful, upturned face, a genuinely serious note creeping into his voice when he spoke again. "Don't misconstrue my light-heartedness, dearest. It's a habit with me, not a fault. I see the serious side to your affair as you view it. You have promised to marry Vos Engo. You'll have to break that promise. He didn't save me.

Resisting the impulse to argue the point, he hastily lifted his hat to the spectators and turned into the avenue without a word. "I am sorry, sir," mentioned the guardsman earnestly. Truxton turned to him with a frank smile, meant for the group at the steps. "Please tell Count Vos Engo that I am the last person in the world to disregard discipline at a time like this."

"Many?" snorted Mottle-face, "there vos armies of 'em. But my feyther, as I think I mentioned afore, vere the bravest, boldest, best-plucked coachman as ever sat on a box." "I hope it runs in the family." "Sir, I ain't one give to boastin', nor yet to blowin' my own 'orn, but truth is truth, and it do!" "Good!" said the fussy gentleman, "very good!"

"Glad to know you intend to help us fight the Indians," answered Tom innocently. "Me fight der Indians? Vot you means py dot?" demanded Hans, his light-blue eyes wide open with interest. "Why, don't you know that we are here to learn how to fight Indians?" went on Tom, with a side wink at those around him. "No; I dink me dis vos von school only."

I joost vos skeered dot dey might pick on me because I vos always running a orderly place, und because I'm de frend of de police. I'll call you if I need you." He disappeared in the doorway. Burke watched him, thinking hard. Perhaps they were planning some deviltry, but he could not divine the purpose of it. At any rate he was armed with his night stick and his trusty revolver.

"I chust come, and vos putting on mine odder coat ven I heard an explosion vich knock me mine feets off, and I rund out like I vos killed, and der whole place was on fire in two seconds already." "Was Larry killed?" asked Frank. Larry was the engineer and porter around the place. "No, he vos out, getting a pite to eat," replied the shipping-clerk.

Vous savez avec quel plaisir je recois toujours de vos nouvelles, avec quel interet je lis toujours vos appreciations sur la situation de nos deux pays. Malgre de bien grandes differences dans l'etat politique, qui sont tout a l'avantage du votre, et dans l'etat social, qui le sont peut-etre moins, ces deux situations ne sont pas sans analogies.