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I got some curiosity myself as to why that girl showed up ter-night under yer guidance, an' why yer so keen ter fight about her, Jim; but I reckon we'll clear that up ter-morrow without makin' yer talk." "You mean to question Miss Donovan?" "Hell, no; just keep an eye on her. 'Tain't likely she's in Haskell just fer the climate. Come on, boys, let's liquor.

"Ye done God's vengence," said Aunt Debby sternly. "An' yit hit wuz very soon ter expect hit." She clasped her hands upon her forehead and rocked back and forth, gazing fixedly into the mass of incandescent coals. "Hit's gwine to cla'r up ter-morrow," said Fortner, returning from an inspection of the sky at the door. "Le's potter off ter bed," he continued rousing up Harry.

"An' ef I had a scoldin' wife I'd whip her sho's yer born, I'd take her down to New Orleans An' trade her off fer corn " Julius stopped with a sudden snap and whispered to John: "Lordy, sah, I clean fergit 'bout dat meetin' at de cullud folks' church, sah, dat dey start up. I promise de preacher ter fetch you, sah An' ef we gwine ter march ter-morrow, dis here's de las' night sho "

A fine 'andsome gal she vere, and vith nothing of the flash mollisher about 'er, either, though born on the streets, as ye might say, same as me. Vell, she gets con-werted, and she's alvays napping 'er bib over me, as you'd say, piping 'er eye, d'ye see? vanting me to turn honest and be con-werted too. 'Turn honest, says she, 'and ve'll be married ter-morrow, says she."

"What are these yere gals doin' here?" asked Shaggam, with interest. "Got 'em prisoners. Tell ye all 'bout it ter-morrow," answered Gouch, thickly. "Big deal on better'n stealin' hosses. "They seem to be very nice girls," answered Jake Shaggam. He was a harmless kind of an individual with a face that was far from repugnant. Watching her chance Dora drew close to the old man.

But I told him that you-all was goin' to leave the mountains and goin' out thar fer good." There was another silence. "He never said a word." Nobody had asked the question, but he was answering the unspoken one in the heart of June, and that heart sank like a stone. "He's goin' away hisself-goin' ter-morrow goin' to that same place he went before England, some feller called it."

"Dar's a roas' pig fur ter-morrow, sho's you bo'n," returned Aunt Rhody. "En I'se gwine to stuff 'im full." Then she hurried away to her fire, and Dan threw himself down upon the rug at the Major's feet. "Yes, we may trust Betty for the sunshine," repeated the Major, as if striving to recall his wandering thoughts.

But I'se gwine to git you safe home. You do jes' as I tell you an' you'll be safe back with your mammy by ter-morrow!" she declared. "You lay down and keep your eyes tight shut till I comes back," she added, and Sylvia, tired and frightened, obeyed. The schooner was now coming to her landing at Fort Sumter. Estralla managed to get on deck without being noticed.

'I ain't comin' aht with yer ter-day, if thet's wot yer mean, she said. 'I never thought of arskin' yer, Liza after wot you said ter me last night. His voice was a little sad, and she felt so sorry for him. 'But yer did want ter speak ter me, didn't yer, Tom? she said, more gently. 'You've got a day off ter-morrow, ain't yer? 'Bank 'Oliday. Yus! Why?

The mate 'as to keep moderate sober an' lock 'er out on first 'igh water ter-morrow for Kingroad, where she'll pick up the old man; and as natcher'lly 'e'll want somebody sober down in the engine-room, 'e's got to rely on me. So now you see." "I think I see," said Tilda slowly. "We're to ship as stowaways." "You may call it so, though the word don't 'ardly seem to fit.