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Je deviens par trop dependant de toi, je voudrais etre plus fort et pourtant je crois qu'on est plus heureux etant triste a cause d'une separation d'avec la femme aimee que si l'on etait insensible a cette separation. Allons! je ne voudrais pas vendre ma tristesse pour beaucoup! elle s'en ira le jour ou je te verrai; en attendant je la garde volontiers."

To while away the time he began to whistle to himself, and what with whistling, and what with winking and talking to the lantern on the table, and calling himself painful names, he endured his captivity well enough. It was near midnight when the lock turned in the door and presently stepped inside a girl. "Malbrouk s'en va t'en guerre," said she, and nodded her head to him humorously.

Elle doit donner un jour, et par l'election et par l'action plus puissante encore de l'opinion publique, le pouvoir a ceux qui l'auront constituee et qui sauront s'en servir.

McGilveray gave the pass-word, and presently he was on the bank saluting the sentry he had left three hours before. "Malbrouk s'en va t'en guerre!" said the girl again with a gay insolence, and pushed the boat out into the stream. "A minnit, a minnit, me darlin'," said McGilveray. "Keep your promise," came back, softly. "Ah, come back wan minnit!" "A flirt!" said the sentry.

"You, pretty Marquise, would call me a fool because to-day Antony is not my lover. But I oh, I am glad!" He did not even kiss my finger-tips last night. We parted sadly after a storm of words neither he nor I had ever meant to speak. "Il s'en faut bien que nous commissions tout ce que nos passions nous font faire!" Once more La Rochefoucauld has spoken truth.

They stunned him for a moment, and then presently, as if in defiance of his own thoughts, he began to sing softly: "Malbrouk s'en va t'en guerre." Suddenly, in one confused moment, he was seized, and a hand was clapped over his mouth. Three French soldiers had him in their grip-stalwart fellows they were, of the Regiment of Bearn.

"Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre Mironton, mironton, mirontaine," and "Isabeau s'y promene Le long de son jardin," chanted in the farmhouse or the lumber shanty, to the tunes which have come down from an unknown source, and never lost their echo in the hearts of the people. Our Ferdinand was a perfect fountain of music.

Une fois la femme du cure Walker fut tres malade pendant longtemps, il semblait qu'on ne la sauverait pas; mais un matin le cure arrive, et Smiley lui demande comment ella va et il dit qu'elle est bien mieux, grace a l'infinie misericorde tellement mieux qu'avec la benediction de la Providence elle s'en tirerait, et voila que, sans y penser, Smiley repond: Eh bien! je gage deux et demi qu'elle mourra tout de meme.

"Only I'll rather go downheel as upheel, me always I'll rather ron the rapeed than track the boat up the rapeed on the bank. Well, en roulant, eh, M'sieu Alex?" "Roulant!" answered Alex, briefly. Moise, setting his paddle into the water with a great sweep, began once more the old canoe song. "Le fils du roi s'en va chassant En roulant, ma boule! Avec son grand fusil d'argent En roulant, ma boule!"

Having composed more verses than any man that ever lived, Hugo can only be taken in the smallest doses; if you repeat any passage to a friend across a café table, you are both appalled by the splendour of the imagery, by the thunder of the syllables. "Quel dieu, quel moissonneur de l'éternel été Avait en s'en allant négligemment jeté Cette faucille d'or dans les champs des étoiles."