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Himself commented on the difference, and bid me be more of my age, and make friends with my young comrades. I told him I was slow of making friends. "I will take the word back," said he. "But there is such a thing as FAIR GUDE S'EN AND FAIR GUDE DAY, Mr. David.

The Emperor also whistled sometimes, but very rarely; and the air, 'Malbrook s'en va-t-en guerre', whistled by his Majesty was an unerring announcement to me of his approaching departure for the army. I remember that he never whistled so much, and was never so gay, as just before he set out for the Russian campaign. His Majesty's, favorite singer were Crescentini and Madame Grassini.

"The Great Western!" What boundless ideas are suggested by this title, &c., &c. Well, never mind my reasons. I had made up my mind to go. That's enough. "Marlbrook s'en va t'en guerre," mais as MARLBROOK Junior I may say, "Je reviendrai." Politics to the winds! or, colloquially, Politics be blowed! I'm off to TOM TIDDLER'S ground. Nice fellow, TIDDLER. Knew him years ago.

The Norman airs and folk-songs of the day were easy to learn, simple and melodious. They have remained in the hearts and on the lips of all French Canada for over two centuries. The shantyman of Three Rivers still goes off to the woods chanting the Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre which his ancestors sang in the days of Blenheim and Oudenarde.

Clinton anticipated that which Lord Inchiquin had. I wish these were mine, and I had no other, but we cannot choose our own misfortunes; if we could, there is nobody who would not prefer being concerned for a mad nephew whom they did not care for, or a simple Princess whom they would laugh at, si l'orgueil ne s'en meloit pas.

Mais il y a des masses dont la composition est plutôt par fibres que par feuillets, et dont le moëllon ressemble aux copeaux de bois d'un chantier. Le plus souvent aussi les feuillets sont situés en toute suite de sens dans une même montagne, et quelquefois même verticalement, Enfin il s'en trouve de si tortillés, qu'il est impossible de les regarder comme des dépôts de l'eau.

Within range of the German guns, probably not more than four or five kilometres from Verdun, we came on a line of men waiting their turn to go into the cinema. After all, there was no reason de s'en faire, and if they were alive they decided they might as well be happy and amused.

"Lord Lackington has written me an impertinent letter. It seems she has revealed herself, and il s'en prend

The following instance of its effects is given by Brillat Savarin, to whom the circumstances were communicated, in confidence, by the lady who was the subject of them: "Je soupai," says she, "un jour chez moi en trio avec mon mari et un de ses amis dont le nom était V . C'était un beau garçon et ne manquant pas d'esprit et venait souvent chez moi, mais il ne m'avait jamais rien dit qui put le faire regarder comme mon amant, et s'il me fesait la cour, c'était d'une manière si enveloppée qu'il n'y avait qu'une sotte qui eut s'en fâcher. Il paraissait, ce jour l

Though there seemed little chance of his returning to claim his place in her affections though she had made the most laudable efforts to banish him from her recollection, yet "En songeant qu'il faut qu'on l'oublie On s'en souvient;"