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"Ne crois pas que le mari lui ressemble," apologized Margaret. "Il est tout a fait different." "Henry!" she repeated, quite distinctly. Mr. Wilcox was much annoyed. "I can't congratulate you on your proteges," he remarked. "Hen, don't go. You do love me, dear, don't you?" "Bless us, what a person!" sighed Margaret, gathering up her skirts. Jacky pointed with her cake. "You're a nice boy, you are."

"Ne crois pas que le mari lui ressemble," apologised Margaret. "Il est tout a fait different." "Henry!" she repeated, quite distinctly. Mr. Wilcox was much annoyed. "I congratulate you on your proteges," he remarked. "Hen, don't go. You do love me, dear, don't you?" "Bless us, what a person!" sighed Margaret, gathering up her skirts. Jacky pointed with her cake. "You're a nice boy, you are."

«§ 338. Leur structure n'est pas la même dans toute l'étendue du Jura. La forme primitive la plus générale ressemble cependant

"Cela ressemble en grand

And straightway he perceived that triple invocation could be, rather neatly, worked out in ballade form. Yes, with a separate prayer to each verse. So, dismissing for the while his misery, he fell to considering, with undried cheeks, what rhymes he needed. "Et puis il se rencontre icy une avanture merveilleuse, c'est que le fils de Grand Turc ressemble a Cleonte, a peu de chose pres."

The first time I ever saw her sister, Madame Viardot, she was sitting with mine, who introduced me to her; Pauline Viardot continued talking, now and then, however, stopping to look fixedly at me, and at last exclaimed, "Mais comme elle ressemble

In a lull of their song, faint sounds of another arrive from far away. Rising and falling, now heard and now not, plaintive and recurring, it is like the voices of spirits. But farther, farther yet, a still more distant echo a suggestion scarcely real floats also to us. "Aië! cela ressemble un peu

"Mademoiselle is like nobody else; elle avait toujours son idée." "Parfaitement, comme disent les paysannes de chez vous, d'une bête qui ne ressemble pas au troupeau et qui allait toujours." "Oui, mademoiselle a eu toujours son idée. So Sir Owen thinks it was fear of going back to the stage that persuaded mademoiselle to " "Something like that, Mérat. She liked Mr. Dean."

[Footnote 2: This statement will be found in QUATREMERE'S Mémoires sur l'Egypte, tom. i. p. 17, on the authority of Abdullah ben Ahmed ben Solaim Assouany, in his History of Nubia, "Simon, héritier présomptif du royanme d'Alouah, m'a assuré que l'on trouve, dans la vase qui couvre fond de cette rivière, un grand poisson sans écailles, qui ne ressemble en rien aux poissons du Nil, et que, pour l'avoir, il faut creuser

La France en son beau temps a eu la sienne, qui ne ressemble ni a celle de l'Allemagne ni a celle de ses autres voisins un peu plus superficielle, dira-t-on je ne le crois pas: mais plus vive, moins chargee d'erudition, moins theorique et systematique, plus confiante au sentiment immediat du gout.

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