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Montagu happened to be present when it was read. Suard, one of their writers, said to her, "Je crois, Madame, que vous êtes un peu fâché de ce que vous venez d'entendre." She replied, "Moi, Monsieur! point du tout! Je ne suis pas amie de Monsieur Voltaire." I shall go to town the day after to-morrow, and will add a postscript, if I hear any news.

He did not attempt to rise from his chair as Longfellow entered, but motioned him to a seat by his side. Talking of Victor Hugo and Lamartine, 'Take them for all in all, which do you prefer? asked Longfellow. "'Charlatan pour charlatan, je crois que je prefere Monsieur de Lamartine, was the reply. "Longfellow amused me by making two epigrams: "'What is autobiography?

Jeanne was kneeling by the window, her head thrown back and the moonlight on her upturned face. When she woke in the dawn the Maid was already up, trussing the points of her breeches and struggling with her long boots. She was crooning the verse of a ballad: "Serais je nonette' Crois que non " and looking with happy eyes at the cool morning light on the forest. "Up, sleepy-head," she cried.

"Je le crois bien!" said Duprez gravely, nodding his head several times. "Phil-eep is a wise boy! He is the fortunate one! I am not for marriage at all no! not for myself, it is to tie one's hands, to become a prisoner, and that would not suit me; but if I were inclined to captivity, I should like Mademoiselle Gueldmar for my beautiful gaoler.

Au collège d'Oriel, un soir, un des compagnons de Charles Marriott, qui joua un si grand rôle dans le Tractarian Movement, s'oublia, et se conduisit de façon déplacée. Le lendemain, rencontrant Marriott, il essaya de s'excuser. "Mon cher ami, je crois bien que j'ai quelque peu fait la bête hier au soir." "Comment donc, cher camarade?" repliqua Marriott. "Je ne me suis pas aperçu que vous fussiez autrement qu'

"C'est un homme malhonnete et je crois meme que c'est un format evade ou quelque chose dans ce genre," Stepan Trofimovitch muttered again, and again he flushed red and broke off. "Liza, it's time we were going," announced Praskovya Ivanovna disdainfully, getting up from her seat. She seemed sorry that in her alarm she had called herself a fool.

If that giant of modern Ireland, the pacificator citizen king, succeeded in separating the island from Great Britain, would he, on attaining the throne, or the dictatorship, or the presidency, or whatever it might be, for the nonce, desire pure democracy? Je crois que non, because, if he did, he would reign about one clear week afterwards.

"Ne crois pas que le mari lui ressemble," apologised Margaret. "Il est tout a fait different." "Henry!" she repeated, quite distinctly. Mr. Wilcox was much annoyed. "I congratulate you on your proteges," he remarked. "Hen, don't go. You do love me, dear, don't you?" "Bless us, what a person!" sighed Margaret, gathering up her skirts. Jacky pointed with her cake. "You're a nice boy, you are."

"Vous lisez mes livres, un peu sans doute pour faire plaisir au vieux Papa, mais je crois reellement qu'ils vous seront utiles a cause de la simplicite du style et de la clarte que j'ai toujours cherchees. Ces qualites m'ont gagne de nombreux lecteurs, mais en meme temps m'ont prive de toute reputation de profondeur. En Angleterre on classe tous les ecrivains clairs, comme ecrivains superficiels."

"Je crois bien! Doesn't one have to be, to want to go and exhibit one's self to a loathsome crowd, on a platform, with trumpets and a big drum, for money to parade one's body and one's soul?" He looked at her a moment: her face changed constantly; now it had a fine flush and a noble delicacy. "Give it up. You're too good for it," he found himself pleading.