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These ideas most Polynesians have accepted in appearance, as they accept other ideas of the whites; in practice, they reduce it to a farce. I have heard the French resident in the Marquesas in talk with the French gaoler of Tai-o-hae: "Eh bien, sont vos prisonnières? Je crois, mon commandant, qu'elles sont allées quelque part faire une visite." And the ladies would be welcome.

"I have racked my heart to play this time. I have called it, 'The Baffled Quest of Love'. I have taken the music of the song of Alsace, 'Le Jardin d'Amour', and I have made variations on it, keeping the last verse of the song in my mind. You know the song, M'sieu': "'Quand je vais au jardin, Jardin d'amour, Je crois entendu des pas, Je veux fuir, et n'ose pas.

Je crois rêver sous un ciel de féerie, l'âme encore grisée de ton premier baiser!" But, abruptly abruptly as a light might be extinguished the music ceased, and Max released Blake's hand. "It is all most wonderful," he said; "but the words of that song they do not quite please me." "Why? Have you never sung that 'l'âme encore grisée de ton premier baiser!"

Presently we came to the quarters of the women, likewise deserted 'Ou sont vos bonnes femmes? asked the Resident; and the jailer cheerfully responded: 'Je crois, Monsieur le Resident, qu'elles sont allees quelquepart faire une visite. It had been the design of M. Delaruelle, who was much in love with the whimsicalities of his small realm, to elicit something comical; but not even he expected anything so perfect as the last.

"Are there no tidings for us, mademoiselle?" asked Eve, after another long pause, during which she had poured out her gratitude in trembling, but secret thanksgivings. "Non, pas encore. Ils se felicitent, je crois." "It's time, I'm sure, ma'am," said the meek-minded Ann, "to send forth the dove, that it may find the olive branch. War and strife are too sinful to be long indulged in."

Je crois that every girl is a Helen, never so happy as when people are murdering one another, and towns are fired for her sake. Is this same milord absolutely inexorable?" "I cannot tell," said sir William, "what may be done. If you were to fly, he would pursue you to the ends of the earth. But suppose now you were upon your knees, to retract your pretensions to this silly girl."

"Ne crois pas que le mari lui ressemble," apologized Margaret. "Il est tout a fait different." "Henry!" she repeated, quite distinctly. Mr. Wilcox was much annoyed. "I can't congratulate you on your proteges," he remarked. "Hen, don't go. You do love me, dear, don't you?" "Bless us, what a person!" sighed Margaret, gathering up her skirts. Jacky pointed with her cake. "You're a nice boy, you are."

Since my success at the Salon, I have been able to sell my things. I am only beginning to find out now what a success that picture was. Je t'assure, je fais l'ècole"... "Tu crois ça...on fait l'ècole après vingt ans de travail." When we were excited Marshall and I always dropped into French. "And now tell me," he said, "about this duel."

Here M. Georges handed a card to Graham, and asked what hour he would call. "About twelve, if that hour is convenient," said Graham, rising. "I presume there is a restaurant in the neighbourhood where I could dine reasonably." "Je crois bien, half-a-dozen. I can recommend to you one where you can dine en prince for thirty sous.

These ideas most Polynesians have accepted in appearance, as they accept other ideas of the whites; in practice, they reduce it to a farce. I have heard the French resident in the Marquesas in talk with the French gaoler of Tai-o-hae: "Eh bien, ou sont vos prisonnieres? Je crois, mon commandant, qu'elles sont allees quelque part faire une visite." And the ladies would be welcome.