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You ought to 've seen his eyes!...'I want to see thet race.... I'm goin' to. 'Wal, I said, 'you'll have to stop bein' You'll need to change your bizness. Then, Bostil, what do you think? Cordts was sort of eager an' wild. He said thet was a race he jest couldn't miss. He swore he wouldn't turn a trick or let a man of his gang stir a hand till after thet race, if you'd let him come."

So to all outward seeming Alexander McGivins was more the "he-woman" than ever before, but in her inner heart the leaven of change was at its yeasty work. "I've got ter be a man," she told Joe, who mildly objected, even while he leaned on her strength. "Now thet paw's gone, I hev greater need then ever ter stand squ'ar on my own two feet." The youth nodded.

But neither Kells nor the others heard him, or even saw his movement. Kells cut the deck. He held up his card. It was the king of hearts. What a transformation! His face might have been that of a corpse suddenly revivified with glorious, leaping life. "Only an ace can beat thet!" muttered Jesse Smith into the silence. Gulden reached for the deck as if he knew every card left was an ace.

"Look out," she said, as the echoes of the shot died away, "thar comes a hull lot on 'em." They looked and saw plainly a large squad of cavalry, with a wagon behind. "We must get outen heah, an' thet quick," said Fortner decisively. He caught one of the horses and shortened a stirrup to make the sadle answer for a side-saddle. "Heah, Aunt Debby, let me help ye up, honey.

"Nell, reckon you'll have fun bossin' thet outfit," chuckled Al. "None of 'em's got a wife. Lot of scalawags they are; no women would have them!" "Uncle, I hope I'll never have to be their boss," replied Helen. "Wal, you're goin' to be, right off," declared Al. "They ain't a bad lot, after all. An' I got a likely new man."

This was Gilbert du Thet, a lay brother, versed in affairs of this world, who had come out as representative and administrator of Madame de Guercheville. Poutrincourt, also, had his agent on board; and, without the loss of a day, the two began to quarrel. A truce ensued; then a smothered feud, pervading the whole colony, and ending in a notable explosion.

Durade apparently made an effort to swallow his resentment, but the gambling pallor of his face had never been more marked. He went out with Jones, and the others slowly followed. Fresno approached Allie. "Hullo, gurly! You sure look purtier than in thet buckskin outfit," he leered. Allie got up, ready for fight or defense. Durade had forgotten her. Fresno saw her glance at the door.

Oh, Jose an' me carried him inter the for'cassel, an' shoved him inter a berth ter sleep off his liquor. Thet wus the last I ever see, er hear o' him fer 'bout six hours. I'd fergot all 'bout the feller er wud have, if it hadn't been fer the rum. Manuel went off in the long-boat with Estada, an' when my watch went below, I stowed myself away back o' the bow gun fer a few drinks.

I felt this was no time to explain; that every moment lost was of value. "Never mind now; I know who she is and that you are Elsie Clark. We are your friends." "No he ain't not thet other man; he ain't no friend o' mine. Ah tell ye. He's de one whut locked me up on de boat. Ah sure know'd his voice; he done locked me up, an' Ah's a free nigger."

Judd Amos was coming around the side of the cottage, and the night had apparently not taken the black look from his countenance. "Oh, Juddy," cried the baby, wriggling free of Donald's arms. "Thet man thar air er goin' ter send me er doll baby thet opens an' shets hits eyes, Juddy." "We're obleeged ter ye; but I reckon thet I kin buy Lou all the presents she needs," said Judd gruffly.