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She hedn't ben on her feet fer more'n a minute fer ten months, an' 'twas more'n she could stan'. She was jest as bright an' happy all thet day, an' when he went 'way she waved her hand as happy like an' smiled an' said she was glad to be able to send him back to his work. But she never said a word about his comin' back.

Mac," said the child timidly, during a moment of contented silence, her natural use of his intimate nickname, both startling and pleasing Donald, "yo-all allowed thet yo' doctored children mostly.

Alexander was not gone long and she returned with a restored calm. The fingers that stitched industriously at his torn coat, were as steady as before his coming. "I don't aim ter be fo'ced, Jack," she quietly announced. "Ye boasts thet ye kin mek me come into yore arms of my own free will. If ye kin all right but hit won't be afore ye fares back from yore journey. Hit won't be ternight."

The following evening about six o'clock, it suddenly struck her that it was the last night of the 'New and Sensational Drama'. 'I do like thet Jim Blakeston, she said to herself; 'fancy treatin' me like thet! You wouldn't catch Tom doin' sich a thing. Bli'me if I speak to 'im again, the . Now I shan't see it at all. I've a good mind ter go on my own 'ook.

"I ain't be'n convicted o' sin; I ain't 'a meek an' lowly follower; I ain't be'n exactly what I orter be'n; I hevn't lived anywhere up to my lights; but is thet a reason why a parson should strike me?" "Why? What? When did he? Who did?" asked the eager crowd, with one voice. Jack then painfully related how he had been invited by the Reverend Mr. Withholder to attend the Bible class.

"Hullo, boys, been looking for you!" came the call, and Jed Sanborn appeared. "By Christopher Peter! Got a black bear, have yet! Now ain't thet prime!" "What's the news, Jed?" asked Snap. "Lots o' news," said the old hunter. "First thing is, you're to go home to-morrow." "Oh, we know that already," said Whopper. "Next thing is, do you know that tramp feller with the name o' Kiddy Leech? "Yes."

"Yes, I was, an' 'twa'n't no pleasant little reception I 'lowed to give him neither. Say! Would n't yer just as soon lower thet shootin' iron? We ain't got no call to quarrel so fur as I kin see."

I could not contradict the declaration: it was too fearfully probable. I made no reply. "Dogs!" fiercely vociferated the savage, "come down, and deliver up your arms!" "An' our scalps too, I s'pose," muttered the Yankee. "Neo, certingly not, at your price: I don't sell my notions so dirt cheep as thet comes to. 'Twouldn't pay nohow.

Nothin's happened to her 'cept Riggs hit her in the mouth.... I killed him for thet.... An', so help me, God, I believe it's been workin' in me to save her somehow! Now it'll not be so hard." "But how?" demanded Dale. "Lemme see.... Wal, I've got to sneak her out of camp an' meet you. Thet's all." "It must be done quick." "But, Dale, listen," remonstrated Wilson, earnestly.

"Lookin' fer a right smart fight, I reckon," he said, a trifle uneasily. "Believe me, yer ain't goin' ter find thet fellar no spring chicken. He 's some on ther gun play." "I hope he knows enough to quit when he 's cornered," returned the other pleasantly, sweeping his eyes to the opening in the hills, "for I 'm aiming to take him back to Kansas alive." "The hell ye are!"