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Updated: September 25, 2024
Let us be educated, but let us take our good hard whacks." "Hear! hear!" said Choate, speaking mildly but yet as a lawyer, who spent his life in presenting liabilities for or against punishment. "That's hot stuff." "I believe in law," said Jeff rapidly. "Sometimes I think that's all I believe in now." Anne and Lydia looked at him in a breathless waiting upon his words.
But at the present day, when comparative philology has made such strides, and when want of accurate scholarship is as little tolerated in strange and remote languages as in classical literature, the Romano Lavo-Lil is, to speak mildly, an anachronism." This notice, if Borrow read it, must have been very bitter to him.
"This isn't business," asserted the Major. "Of course not," agreed Uncle John, mildly. "No one has any business owning a farm. How did it happen. Major?" The old soldier had already forgotten his grievance. John Merrick was a multi-millionaire, to be sure; but there were palliating circumstances that almost excused him.
Walter Merritt Emory glanced back and for no more than a moment hesitated. "We'll send for the bird later," he told the landlady, who, still mildly expostulating as she followed them downstairs, failed to notice that the captain of the detectives had carelessly left the door to Daughtry's rooms ajar. But Walter Merritt Emory was not the only base one abased by desire of possession of Michael.
Whereupon Corporal Macey, being a man of iron self-control, refrained from turning a double back sommersault and mildly called the prisoner's attention to a little point of Zone police rules he had overlooked.
Average Jones mildly contemplated the mathematical center of his questioner. "New waistcoat?" he asked. Farley glanced down at the outrageous pattern with pride. "Yep. Got it last week." "Lost the one that came with the pepper-and-salt suit you're wearing?" "Damn!" exploded Farley in sudden enlightenment. "Just so.
Andrew reproved them mildly for their discontent, when we had been thus led so mercifully to the means of preserving our lives. "If you had discovered any liquor you might have made merry at first," he observed; "then you would have become worse than the brutes, without sense; and lastly, you would have been left without strength or energy to bear the difficulties we shall have to encounter.
She is only twenty-eight and life will be long for her. She needs help to live it. Whence will the help come? Nell married Mark when she was eighteen and has produced a result every year and a half since. She loves him mildly and he loves her after a fashion, but her endurance is wearing thin.
Cheering himself with this, and reviewing in his mind the queer experiences of the past months, he went thundering mildly on. At first he had feared a furious pursuit on the part of the Bishop, or even a whole college of bishops, quickly mobilized for the event. He had imagined them speeding after him in a huge motor-bus, and himself keeping them at bay with lumps of coal.
But he had expected humiliation, and had armed himself to endure it. "I have come to visit your highness," said he, mildly, "because, although you have not asked it, I would fain leave with you the blessing of the church." "I thank your holiness for the consideration you are pleased to show me," replied Kaunitz. "But before all things let me request your permission to resume my hat.
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